The Final Outpost

SilenceWhisper's lab

The bright orange door really was hard to miss. You pause for a moment before knocking, only to hear a shout and a loud crash coming from behind it. Cracking the door open, you hear someone shouting - "Soot! Drop that! That Sciuro is not a toy!" A pure black Avka Felo with a bright collar darts quickly toward you, whilst carrying an off white Stranga Sciuro in this mouth. Quickly closing the door behind you as you step inside, the Avka comes to a stop. A short, portly woman with glasses comes up behind them, out of breath. "Soot, you naughty boy! Oh, hello there. Did you need something?"
  • SilenceWhisper has 1674 creatures
  • Joined on February 22nd, 2021
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