The Final Outpost

Shark's lab

The only thing marking the dark blue lab door are silver numbers spelling out "42." When you knock, a frazzled woman with gold-rimmed glasses and a long brown ponytail answers. She welcomes you inside with a smile, and you step into a pale blue room filled with aquarium housing units. Nagantos are apparently a favorite of hers. A few pointed snouts peek out of a larger housing unit--her Alsaltos seem curious about you too. Papers and notebooks sprawl across the counter, but the glass-door cabinets above are neatly organized and contain everything from scientific equipment to jars of treats.
  • Shark has 3657 creatures
  • Joined on March 17th, 2020
Creature: z3uPx Dusty Snow
Creature: 04N7L Chestnut Bread
Creature: 0Osa2 Milky Dusk
Creature: 3Nagn 3Nagn
Creature: 5gcl0 One Stocking
Creature: 6jtMW Snowy Caramel
Creature: 7q6M4 Pinto Devil
Creature: 8phrp Demon of Light
Creature: ABXjz Flaxen Cloud
Creature: Cs57S Burnt Caramel
Creature: ESAPg Shadowed Clouds
Creature: GDDut On the Shores of PEI
Creature: H936L Dappled Darkness
Creature: HizQ0 Sea by Night
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Creature: LBH8M Classic Chestnut
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Creature: Mhe1f Flaxen Darkness
Creature: NDQ35 Cream on the Gold
Creature: P0KqY Cream in the Buttermilk
Creature: P73bN A Flight of Fancy
Creature: PMzUH Duckin Rosemary
Creature: QIkrG Sweet Caramel
Creature: RFnir Fafnir's Sky
Creature: Rm8Wh Shining Magic
Creature: S8fr8 Golden Sea Foam
Creature: TNBwi Dappled Dusk
Creature: Uk6gO Chestnuts in the Soot
Creature: UuLMz Red the Blood of Angry Guards
Creature: XzVFw Entropy
Creature: YGI5s Coal Dancer
Creature: YerHA Stormy Night
Creature: baP5O Buttermilk
Creature: c6qSG Chestnuts and Licorice
Creature: cfFml Liver and Chestnuts
Creature: dCpjV Dark Devilry
Creature: dlCMG Dappled Caramel
Creature: eMhWp Gold-Dusted Devilry
Creature: eNIh8 Roasted Chestnut
Creature: gaQVH Flax in the Cream
Creature: hBday hBday
Creature: hyJjH Ophelia's Song
Creature: jSQPJ Aquamarine Seafoam
Creature: kVzRd Dappled Chocolate
Creature: llrxA Flaxen Dapples
Creature: m3GYw Golden Socks
Creature: m66hK Fleet of Foot
Creature: nRqGl Acorna
Creature: olYTa Roan by the Bay
Creature: pKIQx Cream in a Skillet