The Final Outpost

Sammael's lab

As you step through the door, you almost do a double-take to make sure you didn't accidentally wander outside. The floor is padded with lush green carpet and a multitude of potted and hanging plants dot the room. As you look around, you spy elaborate cat towers that connect to a series of sturdy shelves and miniature rope bridges along the walls. A Muska Felo twitches its whiskers in your direction, lounging near the ceiling. A tall woman walks down the hallway, almost tripping on several more Felos that suddenly appear underfoot. She smiles fondly before turning to you. "May I help you?"
  • Sammael has 3826 creatures
  • Joined on December 16th, 2020
Creature: gwYZB Violetpetal
Creature: qPbOa Robinsong
Creature: qGwXr Cloudnose
Creature: W4cM1 Snakestrike
Creature: QaVFi Newtpool
Creature: 5Ztnr Leafstripe
Creature: edzJw Crowfrost
Creature: KDj72 Tinyfeather
Creature: rC3iY Acornpatch
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Creature: QpxEY Melonwhisker
Creature: 6AfQV Quailwing
Creature: Jc37F Bluebell Petal
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Creature: LDgK8 Darkflower
Creature: y2n58 Thistleclaw
Creature: qJpHe Fernblaze
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Creature: yUyMR Talonstrike
Creature: 3JMsd Lightfoot
Creature: FqkgQ Brackenclaw
Creature: 6ZoFK Leaftail
Creature: s1HDO Redwhisker
Creature: pxUBQ Shadowfrost
Creature: Ma0pc Shadowpatch
Creature: 8Lpmy Suntail
Creature: 8JR62 Russetfur
Creature: L1Ufy Palewhisker
Creature: otGGz Sunheart
Creature: 5iLkm Seedflight
Creature: FEFos Ferretfur
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Creature: wo4rV Gorseclaw
Creature: jSB1C Foxclaw
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Creature: b4gUn Hawkstrike
Creature: 1PX0g Flametail
Creature: 9P1xg Mothwing
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Creature: kMNLB Yarrowstem
Creature: oMfLd Nightcloud
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