The Final Outpost

Roseeveline234's lab

As you walk into the door labeled Dr. Eveline-234, you see test tubes and papers all over the room. It's recommended to walk around those and the papers listing notes of test subjects. Dr. Eveline does not like when people break or ruin her notes and test tubes. Her field of work is mostly breeding and analyzing. Even so you being in here is rare, because she doesn't like when people take unnecessary trips to her lab. Afer you finish your business you start to leave, but before you close the door you take one last look at the big test tubes on the wall filled with different creature's eyes.
  • Roseeveline234 has 322 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2023
Badge Winter Solstice 2023
Badge Halloween 2023
Badge Beta Tester
Creature: s7Znx 020
Creature: UAswi 019
Creature: Oe7AS 018
Creature: 2hwAx 017
Creature: TVsIg 016
Creature: 5lpQf 015
Creature: eCIOA 014
Creature: Ruk7V 013
Creature: 6sDTG 012
Creature: yZpqQ yZpqQ
Creature: qPltk 009
Creature: jFF6w 011
Creature: fiCzE 010
Creature: Cniud 007
Creature: ixWI2 001
Creature: JEoom 002
Creature: Kyptv 003
Creature: swPZO 004
Creature: rzaEd 005
Creature: pP264 006
Creature: iL3D7 000227