The Final Outpost

QuazarStar's lab

You enter the lab and see a rather impersonal room with standard equipment humming away. The lab itself is pristine, but the shrieks of happy Koleratako are audible from the next room. Just outside the small window, two white Rato groom each other contentedly. As you enter, a stately, older man with sweeping white hair and a cold expression greets you. Around his neck a calm black and white Tagalo is coiled like a necklace. The man invites you to explore the lab as you wish. At first glance everything seems quite clinical, until you notice: many of the specimens have VERY silly genetic codes.
  • QuazarStar has 1474 creatures
  • Joined on December 20th, 2021
Creature: XHnHX XHnHX
Creature: ghuIk ghuIk
Creature: peMiS peMiS
Creature: OMxT8 Abandon Ship
Creature: B2NVH Ancient Blade
Creature: iH3gF Ancient Magics
Creature: cUVcO Asteroid Flame
Creature: CQEbi Beach Burn
Creature: bGXOn Begone
Creature: Sjxlu Blue Sunset
Creature: ipwcj Carnival of Errors
Creature: fzIid Carrion Jack
Creature: DMZog Chromatic Asphyxiation
Creature: brV1a Clockmaker
Creature: mSiQw Clown's Apprentice
Creature: aVQ6r Crossing
Creature: r1n2p Crush
Creature: PRQs6 Cryo Fever
Creature: zxJPg Crystalline Magnetic
Creature: AoMCl Deadly Vapours
Creature: vseVH Decalibration
Creature: PxVHL Dusty
Creature: FxwVu Eclipse
Creature: uo58V False Conviction
Creature: wII2M Fatal Grip
Creature: cQsm9 Fundament
Creature: tgB5S Garibaldi
Creature: 281pn Gladiator
Creature: bpbJP Grampus Griseus
Creature: CK4MN Grand Chevalier
Creature: 7jLjH Harrower
Creature: Gti3g Harsher
Creature: 70kyG Heavy Liquids
Creature: H2pNo Hypnotist
Creature: O279d Hypoxic Mania
Creature: XfgLG Ice On The Road
Creature: RHbWY Lightless Reservoir
Creature: O0BG2 Lion's Grin
Creature: 1y0Ny Liony
Creature: fyK4R Lost Traveller
Creature: aKOtF Maculate Gold
Creature: RWQbA Malicious
Creature: lOZw1 Martian Madness
Creature: MvYN9 Master of Swords
Creature: ovwt7 Mechanical Marvel
Creature: 19WEl Mighty Sentinel
Creature: aJ3gh Moonlight Mirage
Creature: X2kKl Mudlarker
Creature: er76h Noctilucent
Creature: YbtVt Once Hunted