The Final Outpost

Prof Sunshine's lab

On the big white door, the name of Professor Sunshine is written in golden letters. As you enter, you discover a bright and enchanting place. The lab is perfectly organized, and several computers seem to be processing huge amounts of data. Many exotic plants and flowers decorate the ceiling, and the whole room has a delicious smell of tea. Suddenly, you hear a lovely laugh. You realize that the scientist was playing with her companion, an Alsalto named Topaze. Having noticed you, she welcomes you warmly with a French accent and offers you a tour of the laboratory.
  • Prof Sunshine has 3578 creatures
  • Joined on November 3rd, 2021
Creature: rCUO4 - Monta Selo -
Creature: cn7w4 ID 1-9-5 G2 'Signal'
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