The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5108 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: FCUyw For Pleasure Hunter
Creature: fKq9M For Pleasure Stay Devil Hunter
Creature: Lhq4e For Victory Hunter
Creature: 2f9KQ Funny Cide Hunter
Creature: FmWgn Funny Rijn Hunter
Creature: 2g7Ih Gainsborough Hunter
Creature: Grj8o Gentildonna Hunter
Creature: PKWUx Genuine Queasy Hunter
Creature: UyJTe Golden Jewel Hunter
Creature: GP4Pj Goldsmith Maid Hunter
Creature: yJoQq Goldwind Hunter
Creature: PiHPl Guardian of the World Above
Creature: Hrnk3 Hambletonian Hunter
Creature: 2wTtB Harusilk Hunter
Creature: hgxUB Haruurara Hunter
Creature: V47Oi Hidden Silk Hunter
Creature: EZPh4 Hidden Victory Hunter
Creature: izlim Iltschi Hunter
Creature: I6D2C In Tune Hunter
Creature: iPdXV Incitatus Hunter
Creature: v7vfL Iniziativa Hunter
Creature: 4i9Po Ipod Nine Hunter
Creature: iuDXJ Iquitos Hunter
Creature: pXHC0 Iridescent Peter Pan Hunter
Creature: l1CA4 Iroquois Hunter
Creature: IDZV6 Isinglass Hunter
Creature: IFXc6 Isonomy Hunter
Creature: iy0kp Itajara Hunter
Creature: i4S9r Ito Hunter
Creature: JrEXd Johnstown Hunter
Creature: LukEp Jolly Jumper Hunter
Creature: UJz7h Julflug Hunter
Creature: j950t Julmond Hunter
Creature: JiiZL Just a Way Hunter
Creature: oU92i Justice is blind Hunter
Creature: kPcCc Kincsem Hunter
Creature: zn2eQ Kleiner Onkel Hunter
Creature: lGFy8 La Cressonniere Hunter
Creature: L1meR Landaluce Hunter
Creature: LekwM Le Miracle Hunter
Creature: 8LdKT Levisto Z Hunter
Creature: L6mMu Little Sorrel Hunter
Creature: 8lzeh Lonesome Glory Hunter
Creature: lQKjz Longfellow Hunter
Creature: LJ1vH Lottery Hunter
Creature: h7djA Making Popcorn Gold Hunter
Creature: 3QrCy Maximum Justice Hunter
Creature: M0ilu Maximum Security Hunter
Creature: CUUJj Maximum Wing Hunter
Creature: 5MoBB Meteor Hunter