The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5108 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: HicGE Grey Psittacus Hunter
Creature: sL1W7 Griffiths Jr. Tangerine Hunter
Creature: gYMyO Griffiths Mocha Hunter
Creature: RVTNT Grinding Sandstone Hunter
Creature: egue5 Growing Artic Hunter
Creature: EpTg0 Growing Orange Hunter
Creature: GRTYP Grytp Nudist Hunter
Creature: GSunu Gsuna Kol Hunter
Creature: Tpzdy Guave Cotton Hunter
Creature: lMLyO Guave Jr. Cobalt Hunter
Creature: GUNT4 Gunter Nibelungen Hunter
Creature: Hmqdv Ham Dance Hunter
Creature: DOzqF Hidden Seafoam Hunter
Creature: 8hidA Hide the Gold Hunter
Creature: Vm55C Higher Rust Hunter
Creature: VYk0O Himmelsyoga Hunter
Creature: BlH8l Hinchinbroock Jr. Emerald Hunter
Creature: jrDO2 Hinchinbrook Tangerine Hunter
Creature: BipfJ Honey Drop Hunter
Creature: JWviY Honey Trap Hunter
Creature: nLgkZ Honeydew Melon Cobalt Hunter
Creature: iFwo5 Honeydew Melon Jr. Tangerine Hunter
Creature: wHrQh Honig Glas Hunter
Creature: jPcgK Hope in the Dark Hunter
Creature: 9fHdQ Hope is Born Hunter
Creature: GU6rG Hubba Bubba Hunter
Creature: 6eazz Hyazintha Tangerine Hunter
Creature: ZvlKC I wanna be Yellow Hunter
Creature: 4Cyam Icecold Peach Hunter
Creature: lKkug Ignaz Kugelbrink Hunter
Creature: im5mv Imfivim Hunter
Creature: bVWyW Indigo Bleach Hunter
Creature: kDHYq Indigo Cloth Hunter
Creature: Dj4CR Ink Stain Hunter
Creature: EcsyO Inktober Hunter
Creature: bxo6y Innocent Orange Hunter
Creature: m92mi Intense Rouge Hunter
Creature: F56J1 Investigator Crimson Hunter
Creature: cDEgs Investigator Jr. Peach Hunter
Creature: puz2y Iris Mocca Hunter
Creature: VGXlE Iris Seeking Anchor Hunter
Creature: M2h44 Iron Fist Hunter
Creature: MHMDq Iron Man Hunter
Creature: cAc6w Iron Snow Hunter
Creature: lxf4v Ixo Clay Hunter
Creature: mkkJd Iyokan Jr. Cotton Hunter
Creature: qAvxr Iyokan Peach Hunter
Creature: nANQw Jackfruit Jr. Pebble Hunter
Creature: 4wZ02 Jackfruit Pebble Hunter
Creature: ay4Bm Jam Session Hunter