The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5390 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: qunsa Dotty Alpha Hunter
Creature: pwkk6 Doro Alpha Hunter
Creature: DMauJ Darth Maul Gamma Hunter
Creature: cyj0h Cyprus Delta Hunter
Creature: PFBSG Conrad Alpha Hunter
Creature: PEG2W Christa Alpha Hunter
Creature: WUulF Camino Beta Hunter
Creature: P8coT Brendan Beta Hunter
Creature: JHeeX Blocksberg Alpha Hunter
Creature: 6NXaG Bernard Alpha Hunter
Creature: PAIwo Benno Alpha Hunter
Creature: QvOyv Belinda Alpha Hunter
Creature: YPeFP Axel Alpha Hunter
Creature: 4ZNMH Anton Beta Hunter
Creature: QafnN Andrea Alpha Hunter
Creature: lPOfS Adria Alpha Hunter
Creature: 9qKSN Relax Firesalamander Hunter
Creature: pvCow Harzer Rotvieh Hunter
Creature: qUdDl Dela Ware Hunter
Creature: wGbVu Dela Wabvu Hunter
Creature: RIher Dela Rihanna Hunter
Creature: OcrZi Dela Point Hunter
Creature: y6m1h Dela Inverted Dots Hunter
Creature: g3dBw Dela Flammenzungen Hunter
Creature: pwg36 Dela Crown Hunter
Creature: 4dQKq Dela Black Wall Hunter
Creature: vzsBU Deal Red Tiger Hunter
Creature: majjw Cau Tonguelick Hunter
Creature: WZ6Vq Cau Tongue Tip Hunter
Creature: InkC1 Cau Tinte Hunter
Creature: pn9lL Cau Red Tiger Hunter
Creature: csLlJ Cau Mandarin Hunter
Creature: i5JM6 Cau Lavacave Hunter
Creature: 1epeB Cau Epe Roi Hunter
Creature: t1mHD Cau Closing Lava Hunter
Creature: 3He1O Cau Bread Pieces Hunter
Creature: GRTRm Cau Black Dragon Hunter
Creature: hV5jb Cau Bald Pride Hunter
Creature: Bkb8s Bleached Tomato Hunter
Creature: NmFqI Tigerklops Hunter
Creature: ijlGs Tamara Bara Hunter
Creature: B78vj Silverlamp Hunter
Creature: ZhJwA Schieferpuder Hunter
Creature: QoWhr Rotkamm Hunter
Creature: 3SDwR Red Gloves Hunter
Creature: PDgSM Pawel Hunter
Creature: O2MIm Omin Romin Hunter
Creature: KGP3X Metalldampflampe Hunter
Creature: inltP Lion Pride Hunter
Creature: 8r7gI Korallenfaecher Hunter