The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5390 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: RF3mP Princess Cream Hunter
Creature: Vkv1X Power Flight Hunter
Creature: U4lby Powdered Rose Fluganta Hunter
Creature: IKV6M Pinktail Hunter
Creature: DwUFT Pine Scent Hunter
Creature: krVJM Pigeon of the rising Sun
Creature: pZg7J Picket Fence Hunter
Creature: tTyZB Peter Pan Hunter
Creature: xCSgJ Pentacostal Spirit Hunter
Creature: 4R7S7 Pelikanblut Fluganta Hunter
Creature: L8hZG Pelikanblood Hunter
Creature: I5639 Overcast Sky Fluganta Hunter
Creature: 0reeA Oreea Fluganta Hunter
Creature: OpYKt Opykt Fluganta Hunter
Creature: dW8C7 Olive is Peace Hunter
Creature: nusKp Nuskap Fluganta Hunter
Creature: zoQ6y Northstar Fluganta Hunter
Creature: ne8wp Newpa Hunter
Creature: 9Myom Myom A. Hunter
Creature: PsLXW Mudsnow Fluganta Hunter
Creature: R8aeU Monika Rambeau Hunter
Creature: 5cD8V Misty Sunrise Hunter
Creature: 9TeJw Misty Blue Hunter
Creature: BJQ6o Midnight Wings Fluganta Hunter
Creature: pDKPX Midnight Terror Hunter
Creature: lhEHL Midnight Groom Hunter
Creature: tKTbg Midnight Gold Hunter
Creature: OUy7C McNears Jr. Hunter
Creature: V2x3H Math Equation Hunter
Creature: xRZkG Lost Snow Hunter
Creature: dEKqK Living Violet Hunter
Creature: SsD8P Livia Fluganta Hunter
Creature: Fsoy8 Lilac Soy Hunter
Creature: 1SvPP Lehmboden Fluganta Hunter
Creature: hIqra Lavender Scarf Hunter
Creature: hm7ES Lavendel Flight Hunter
Creature: 2eElS Langnese Fluganta Hunter
Creature: KYKMO Kykmo Fluganta Hunter
Creature: 9hSbY Know nothing Hunter
Creature: wdo8p Kay-Kay Fluganta Hunter
Creature: kx6ar Kaxar Fluganta Hunter
Creature: KDvma Karma Fluganta Hunter
Creature: xgVfx Jupiter Ascending Hunter
Creature: rJOY4 Joyful Pidgeon Hunter
Creature: JOOiR Jooir Fluganta Hunter
Creature: JTnPw Jint Par Hunter
Creature: bDacK Ivory Slate Hunter
Creature: ipqxa Ipaxa Fluganta Hunter
Creature: IpX56 Ip X. Fluganta Hunter
Creature: 6IOON Ion Coal Hunter