The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5390 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: wF4ZF Vipera Purple Hunter
Creature: VBcic Vipera Gold Hunter
Creature: qb8KH Indotyphlops Pumpkin Hunter
Creature: ruSI7 Haldea Striatula Hunter
Creature: MLkQQ Gerrhopilus Triplet Hunter
Creature: iaNF4 Fimbrios Purpledream Hunter
Creature: HOc9L Fimbrios Crimsondream Hunter
Creature: VrthZ Eirenis Silverdew Hunter
Creature: b7NM2 Eirenis Black Belt Hunter
Creature: A8co7 Dasypeltis Black Belt Hunter
Creature: 62BaU Cerastes Redstripe Hunter
Creature: I2twe Bungarus Garter Hunter
Creature: sdJXs Acanthophis Red Hunter
Creature: fyzlX Acanthophis Purple Hunter
Creature: VSgzi Acanthophis Goldvine Hunter
Creature: zcy0A Zodiac Stairs Hunter
Creature: zZLOP Zlop Tagalo Hunter
Creature: zZEPu Zepu Tagalo Hunter
Creature: ZcWVZ Zapper Pink Hunter
Creature: Xy335 Xyman Tagalo Hunter
Creature: vjaKl Vajakl Tagalo Hunter
Creature: uwjnm Uwin Tagalo Hunter
Creature: u7Lfa Ulf Tagalo Hunter
Creature: Tyy7g Tylko Niebeska Hunter
Creature: TWl7Q Twingalo Tagalo Hunter
Creature: DXBya Toxic Mint Hunter
Creature: CAtNK Telescopus Fallax Hunter
Creature: o6FfH Tarnished Silver Hunter
Creature: ddgzf Sunburn Quest Hunter
Creature: SUphb Suhba Tagalo Hunter
Creature: gV2Zc Striking Lilac Hunter
Creature: IxVLC Spring Snow Hunter
Creature: s19Mf Simof Tagalo Hunter
Creature: BjBLm SIlverchain Tagalo Hunter
Creature: gUHNG Silver Bride Hunter
Creature: 75Acg Sick Silver Hunter
Creature: xNSPy Shaken not stirred Hunter
Creature: sAAzX Sazax Snakebite Hunter
Creature: n97IM Sandy Rose Hunter
Creature: SAaaZ Saaz Tagalo Hunter
Creature: zBbMg Rosebud Tagalo Hunter
Creature: r9SGh Rose Slate Hunter
Creature: cjt3s Rose Curl Hunter
Creature: sRlXF Rix Tagalo Hunter
Creature: 3Rl5k Risk Assesment Hunter
Creature: rEX02 Rexa Blush Hunter
Creature: f96ji Red Vine Hunter
Creature: fKLeE Red Klee Hunter
Creature: dKBaR Red Copper Hunter
Creature: z9hn2 Raw Flesh Hunter