The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5391 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: 26XL9 Molten Spark Hunter
Creature: sxILm Molten Lava Hunter
Creature: 4h0vh Mild Chilli Hunter
Creature: mEOf9 Meo Suna Hunter
Creature: x6wd9 Melted Ice Hunter
Creature: mtPx9 Matt Pounce Hunter
Creature: m4FSc Masca Suna Hunter
Creature: EeYnr Little bit of Snow Hunter
Creature: uzWQ4 Light Quag Hunter
Creature: utAJC Lava Spots Suna Hunter
Creature: KiMXw Kim Suna Hunter
Creature: Kh5Pi Ketchup Run Hunter
Creature: rjwwL Ivy Outbreak Hunter
Creature: vfp57 Icespikes Suna Hunter
Creature: jdgkm Hufflepuff Suna Hunter
Creature: np4ng Howling Ocean Hunter
Creature: 33feh Hot Underbelly Hunter
Creature: U8Fnb Hidden Poison Suna Hunter
Creature: 3Hr47 Golden Boy Hunter
Creature: PQPQp Gletschereis Hunter
Creature: 7Jnti Frozen Spark Hunter
Creature: EKj3z Frozen River Suna Hunter
Creature: M9PaF Frosty Fur Hunter
Creature: aOlJO Flooded Valley Hunter
Creature: IV7eh Flamming Ice Hunter
Creature: 6yme7 Feuer unterm Hinter Hunter
Creature: Fbaov Faov Suna Hunter
Creature: zDJej Event Horizon Hunter
Creature: znyIm Eruption of Water Hunter
Creature: EeNkY Enky Suna Hunter
Creature: EnaKY Enaky Suna Hunter
Creature: iVh7U Elegant Ocean Hunter
Creature: 9EgU5 Eguns Suna Hunter
Creature: Edf1F Edfif Suna Hunter
Creature: DQvw7 Dustpuppy Suna Hunter
Creature: DCCub DC Cub Suna Hunter
Creature: 6u1G8 Daffodil Suna Hunter
Creature: CUYq3 Cuy Pounce Hunter
Creature: VHLxC Crimson Valley Hunter
Creature: sfdc8 Cold Syrup Hunter
Creature: eUh7m Clay Worker Hunter
Creature: F6DVc Chocolate Love Hunter
Creature: nhFyo Burning Winter Suna Hunter
Creature: Yt8m3 Burning Tar Hunter
Creature: NLmDn Burning Sky Hunter
Creature: RX7Fm Breaking Ice Hunter
Creature: DRi0h Blueberry Suna Hunter
Creature: RHn4T Blue Ash Hunter
Creature: AoRH5 Blue Aora Suna Hunter
Creature: bQsFA Basfa Suna Hunter