The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5390 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: OAU20 Emerald Shore Hunter
Creature: p2CUK Emerald Lemon Hunter
Creature: kJ9pP Eggshell Swing Hunter
Creature: 4qwMM Dirt League Hunter
Creature: godxe Deus ex Machina Hunter
Creature: gGEZE Denim Wire Hunter
Creature: M46lB Denim Overall Hunter
Creature: M4C2X Denim Innocence Hunter
Creature: zhE7c Dark Spice Hunter
Creature: AWKGK Dangling Crest Hunter
Creature: vBnkj Dancing on Water Hunter
Creature: wZRek Daffodil Zeus Hunter
Creature: XEH15 Daffodil Hera Hunter
Creature: g1tH7 Cured Bone Hunter
Creature: 2FXf4 Cupids Arrow Hunter
Creature: Xd6xY Cupid Bow Hunter
Creature: frRTO Cupbearer Blue Hunter
Creature: agZco Coral Relaxation Hunter
Creature: 0WTzd Confused Rouge Hunter
Creature: kDvDl Coal in the Sun Hunter
Creature: zjGsC Clay Lamp Hunter
Creature: 5ltVj Cider Denim Hunter
Creature: pC5Td Chiffon Window Hunter
Creature: eSGdh Charcoal Drawing Hunter
Creature: ZpWV6 Cellmembrane Hunter
Creature: vzSuc Cartroux Overflowing Hunter
Creature: zT4mH Canary Waters Hunter
Creature: jQhZ2 Burning Rage Hunter
Creature: Z8zpg Burning Cotton Ball Hunter
Creature: 6sxTM Bubblegum Foil Hunter
Creature: XeVe1 Bridge on a Beach Hunter
Creature: 5Ipw7 Bridal Five Hunter
Creature: sfmWy Born of Orange Hunter
Creature: 5zmlJ Blushing Orange Hunter
Creature: OMZav Blushing Fern Hunter
Creature: yQ1vz Blushing Blue Hunter
Creature: 6ijMU Blushing Blood Hunter
Creature: 6zZRa Blue Spice Hunter
Creature: eFgoP Blue Flame Hunter
Creature: 5Pp2X Blue Anodorhynchus Hunter
Creature: YDBxH Blaze Orange Hunter
Creature: zscdx Black Orange Hunter
Creature: Q3Use Bikram Yoga Hunter
Creature: fIGMx Basil Growing Hunter
Creature: 1n1KR Ashy Coconut Hunter
Creature: 3ZLDd Ash Pile Hunter
Creature: IBRFx As the parrot flies Hunter
Creature: aq7c3 Aqua Alter Hunter
Creature: YGfWm Apricot Viking Hunter
Creature: YaNfp Apricot Sea Hunter