The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5108 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: eNqEl Angel Spikes Hunter
Creature: MjpFa Anger Danger Hunter
Creature: 3RPDB Anger Rising Hunter
Creature: BFPPa Befpar Limaka Hunter
Creature: jPbQV Bloody Slate Hunter
Creature: Ykfwu Bronze Springs Hunter
Creature: KWvwW Christmas Cevalo Hunter
Creature: fbZXF Cobalt Claw Hunter
Creature: C0djV Coda Cevalo Hunter
Creature: z6IDu Cortea Cevalao Hunter
Creature: 5v1W6 Dark Spring Hunter
Creature: r3lN3 Deep Down Limaka Hunter
Creature: kNac9 Double Dork Hunter
Creature: H2fT1 Dschungel Fever Hunter
Creature: iZpJF Emerald Waters Hunter
Creature: oqQqn Flamenco Queen Hunter
Creature: yZp2F Flamenmeer Hunter
Creature: udXKD Garden Green Hunter
Creature: WBjQk Gold Mask Limaka Hunter
Creature: qc9GE Green Force Hunter
Creature: vTs34 Green Seetang Hunter
Creature: 31zLf Green Thorn Hunter
Creature: EdGal Grey Gal Limaka Hunter
Creature: 6vGHq Heavenly Gold Hunter
Creature: 5TYen Higuchi Natsu Hunter
Creature: p8szm Hot N'Cold Hunter
Creature: MlGQF Hyazintia Koi Hunter
Creature: j0uch Iris Cevalo Hunter
Creature: oRa3V Koi Monk Hunter
Creature: kyyRj Kyrij Limaka Hunter
Creature: dLqap Laquap Limaka Hunter
Creature: SLgaF Larry Koi Hunter
Creature: LzAsi Lazsi Gardener Hunter
Creature: imMpy Little Imp Hunter
Creature: aAqR9 Mariannengraben Hunter
Creature: MZY8s Mazya Limaka Hunter
Creature: LSqFG Moosback Hunter
Creature: yL14n Moosstone Hunter
Creature: m7v35 Movdre Limaka Hunter
Creature: mu7eV Mueva Limaka Hunter
Creature: qHbHw Navy King Hunter
Creature: E7grm Nori Hunter
Creature: Gp2vy Ocean Island Hunter
Creature: ooloF Olof Nori Hunter
Creature: yKLXh Orange Rising Hunter
Creature: ozuvo Ozuvo Limaka Hunter
Creature: iwlr7 Pabcz-Iwalr Limaka Hunter
Creature: Rz0tX Pinky Promise Hunter
Creature: R28kK Rachtakka Limaka Hunter
Creature: rgkiY Ragukiy Cevalo Hunter