The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5392 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: RA0Qb Himalayan Salt Hunter
Creature: AKvRh Harlekin Hunter
Creature: toqbw Happy White Cashbert Hunter
Creature: KJujQ Green Surprise Hunter
Creature: RFBOY Green Boy Hunter
Creature: gUQF5 Golden Raspberry Hunter
Creature: ZLdxf Golden Peacock Crown Hunter
Creature: kX69O Golden Neck Krizo Hunter
Creature: 6MNBO Golden Disgrace Hunter
Creature: 4Molu Golden Art Decor Hunter
Creature: GVVyJ Going full Raspberry Hunter
Creature: GdH2z Godhiz Krizo Hunter
Creature: Jqd3d Glassface Hunter
Creature: WZYDS Giraffenkrizo Hunter
Creature: gRgSb Garg Krizo Hunter
Creature: ldcRP Funny Lavender Hunter
Creature: dbJ8U Fog Batik Hunter
Creature: L4jWo Flying on Mooswings Hunter
Creature: IzvaY Flying Lime Hunter
Creature: r6CIg Fluorescence Krizo Hunter
Creature: 4tu5R Fluorescence Child Hunter
Creature: PAHup Flower Stem Krizo Hunter
Creature: 5buwT Flamingo Dreams Hunter
Creature: fi4PR Fivver Krizo Hunter
Creature: OpPy9 Feel Better Hunter
Creature: EXcGl Excela Krizo Hunter
Creature: EKTLC Ektoplasma Velvet Hunter
Creature: sJ7eM Doctor Jem Hunter
Creature: FR3pr Dirty Spacegal Hunter
Creature: okAuk Deep Sea Hunter
Creature: 4gSJZ Darkness over Water Hunter
Creature: dACEQ Da'Cequo Krizo Hunter
Creature: PzY4P Cyan Raspberry Krizo Hunter
Creature: ymJnY Crazy Colour Mix Hunter
Creature: NeBif Crayon Swirl Krizo Hunter
Creature: AxO64 Couldn't find the sunmilk
Creature: akPaD Copper Gras Hunter
Creature: INglH Colour Wirlwind Krizo Hunter
Creature: wZxHg Cold Feet Hunter
Creature: KaPbF Chipper Krizo Hunter
Creature: OjgPY Chaos Unleashed Hunter
Creature: CKXhz Caxhiza Krizo Hunter
Creature: CBvLL Carina-Balina von Lollimo
Creature: Njf0S Camoflage Bird Hunter
Creature: d8JhA Calyx Krizo Hunter
Creature: BUtv8 But I am reality Hunter
Creature: OSA9w Burning Forest Hunter
Creature: bMk2Z Bumkiz Krizo Hunter
Creature: BRlSa Brisa Krizo Hunter
Creature: 8hR1A Blooming Pearl Krizo Hunter