The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5385 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: 6Y5OT Zitronentanz Krizo Hunter
Creature: 5E17Y Zitronenmelisse Hunter
Creature: MvXb4 Zitronen Krizo Hunter
Creature: 824Xs Young Sapling Growing Hunter
Creature: yLyfs Yily Krizo Hunter
Creature: yEkUA Yekua Krizo Hunter
Creature: YgfaW Yaguar Fall Hunter
Creature: xW984 Xawa Krizo Hunter
Creature: GmxRl Winter Gold Hunter
Creature: q3hhD Watered Plum Hunter
Creature: i6Smu Walk the Night Hunter
Creature: qCBlT Velvet Cake Hunter
Creature: zikCD Velvet Beak Hunter
Creature: Y1CJU Usambara Violet Hunter
Creature: ur8gd Urgend Krizo Hunter
Creature: B2QEL Upper Blue Krizo Hunter
Creature: nr25v Twentyfive Krizo Hunter
Creature: DoCPh Toxic Screech Hunter
Creature: rTmuJ Timur Krizo Hunter
Creature: zTOHR Thunderstrike Hunter
Creature: w5N1v Terrorkind Krizo Hunter
Creature: 0DytP Swamp Hooper Hunter
Creature: 8VL9A Sun Dipper Hunter
Creature: kXqmm Strawberry Mint Hunter
Creature: gt7ux Sprouting Squash Hunter
Creature: amoqb Spring Mosaik Hunter
Creature: xnKy8 Spring Explosion Hunter
Creature: Twv61 Spotty Red Hunter
Creature: nh9M5 Spacemint Krizo Hunter
Creature: P8FsU Soft Blue Krizo Hunter
Creature: sngU5 Snug Fiver Hunter
Creature: uhr5S Smaragd Clock Krizo Hunter
Creature: pXeKP Small Letter are beautiful Hunter
Creature: alJrO Silver Oilslick Hunter
Creature: QFc0I Silbersamt Krizo Hunter
Creature: fKjhv Silberne Himbeere Krizo Hunter
Creature: 7Pqbs Sevena Krizo Hunter
Creature: 9ixcZ Second Spring Hunter
Creature: pN4UM Screech Trainee Hunter
Creature: gFScK Scared Beak Hunter
Creature: RuXo6 Roux Hunter
Creature: mDYGh Rotten Beauty Krizo Hunter
Creature: TBCBl Roaming Teal Hunter
Creature: rbB5u Riba Krizo Hunter
Creature: ZimiT Red Zimt Hunter
Creature: 3PYIK Red Vibrate Hunter
Creature: Rc5pv Red Lightning Hunter
Creature: uODmP Raspberry Blood Hunter
Creature: EyLFd Rasberry Blues Hunter
Creature: sLDoA Radioactive Velvet Hunter