The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5156 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: f6fJy Fly Sciuro Hunter
Creature: 4ec1v Forec Sciuro Hunter
Creature: FcxGJ Fox Sciuro Hunter
Creature: cFR6U Frufru Sciuro Hunter
Creature: 63F0x Fuchs Sciuro Hunter
Creature: FUUt4 Futu Sciuro Hunter
Creature: fU229 Fuzwozwo Sciuro Hunter
Creature: fvIen Fynnja Sciuro Hunter
Creature: G2B2Y Gabsy Sciuro Hunter
Creature: G1CmR Gamar Sciuro Hunter
Creature: GcTxd Gatxad Sciuro Hunter
Creature: GAVB7 Gavi Sciuro Hunter
Creature: xGwgl Gawgel Sciuro Hunter
Creature: gXcGp Gaxcup Sciuro Hunter
Creature: gxl2z Gaxl Sciuro Hunter
Creature: g94lR Gira Sciuro Hunter
Creature: gIZSy Gizsy Sciuro Hunter
Creature: gfOlW Gofol Sciuro Hunter
Creature: gogQg Gogog Sciuro Hunter
Creature: GvsWp Govpa Sciuro Hunter
Creature: 2GsuG Gsug Sciuro Hunter
Creature: GutvF Gutfried Sciuro Hunter
Creature: GtrBe Gutreb Sciuro Hunter
Creature: 9Hbcp Habica Sciuro Hunter
Creature: Hb6Qo Habo Sciuro Hunter
Creature: HC4QU Hacqu Sciuro Hunter
Creature: hD8RP Hadra Sciuro Hunter
Creature: h9qIf Hala Sciuro Hunter
Creature: HBMOT Hambota Sciuro Hunter
Creature: HnPh8 Hannah Sciuro Hunter
Creature: HpqB9 Hapquab Sciuro Hunter
Creature: hRsR9 Harsar Sciuro Hunter
Creature: ZDVwz He who has Golden Tips Hunter
Creature: QTRo4 He who is like his Mum Hunter
Creature: g9rnx He who is pale Hunter
Creature: gfk29 He with white fur Hunter
Creature: hFKTJ Hektor Sciuro Hunter
Creature: HIZ4j Hizaj Sciuro Hunter
Creature: HLQnz Hlin Sciuro Hunter
Creature: iHuvT Huva Sciuro Hunter
Creature: Htl5x Hux Sciuro Hunter
Creature: iq4mA Idama Sciuro Hunter
Creature: Id1ez Idez Sciuro Hunter
Creature: l31F4 Iefa Sciuro Hunter
Creature: i9GaT Igate Sciuro Hunter
Creature: IQjh7 Ija Sciuro Hunter
Creature: IKiUn Ikiu Sciuro Hunter
Creature: INTqL Intl Sciuro Hunter
Creature: Io7sp Iosop Sciuro Hunter
Creature: IOTgt Iot Sciuro Hunter