The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5108 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: rJYXV A Thousand Island Hunter
Creature: sFC8f Ancient Lilypad Hunter
Creature: V36xX Ancient Selene Hunter
Creature: ACp4H Apacha Kosmira Hunter
Creature: ZVTfn Auriga Kosmira Hunter
Creature: 9aKel Aurora Kosmira Hunter
Creature: 6nDPE Aurorum Borealis Hunter
Creature: YiC0Q Bluish Hue Kosmira Hunter
Creature: B5nNM Blushing Groom Hunter
Creature: HDxvo Borealis Kosmira Hunter
Creature: VXpRU Breaking the Sky Hunter
Creature: EUoD4 Bronze Bell Hunter
Creature: BmpnX Bronze Gong Kosmira Hunter
Creature: uHLCM Brownie Dream Hunter
Creature: vrSKb Burning Lava Hunter
Creature: WkufG Cacao Powder Hunter
Creature: AIjMm Campfire Hunter
Creature: CHs19 Chas Kosmira Hunter
Creature: NMVbl Cheeky Pirate Hunter
Creature: 2NgHE Copper Blue Hunter
Creature: AFfjI Copperfield Rafo Hunter
Creature: 85nGB Corymbus 3rd Hunter
Creature: Csf2p Dark Aragonit Hunter
Creature: MVpU5 Dark Currant Hunter
Creature: UhDyI Dark Empire Hunter
Creature: wrJDP Dark Temptation Hunter
Creature: bi10a Deep Sea Hunter
Creature: ekhnf Desert Raindrops Hunter
Creature: z8282 Double Number Hunter
Creature: RuMCf Drunken Pirate Hunter
Creature: vhsum Education Kosmira Hunter
Creature: S43M8 Electric Spark Kosmira Hunter
Creature: 7SIhf Ered Luin Hunter
Creature: DDdxd Four Dee Kosmira Hunter
Creature: quip9 Frechdachs Hunter
Creature: GoJLt Gas lightning Hunter
Creature: zTSY4 Gulden Galaxy Hunter
Creature: XrJLy Hint of Lavendel Hunter
Creature: x18PG Indigo Bronze Hunter
Creature: M2Z75 Iridesent Bauble Hunter
Creature: JMao3 Jason Momoa Hunter
Creature: vMAzs Kalamato Kosmira Hunter
Creature: 4NR8B Kosmira Hai Hunter
Creature: KbqDL Kupferleuchten Hunter
Creature: zyywB Last Bean Hunter
Creature: 1HHWw Leberflecken Kosmira Hunter
Creature: lduR1 Lidur Kosmira Hunter
Creature: Wou6R Living Bronze Hunter
Creature: mao5Q Mao Kosmira Hunter
Creature: o64ih Milka Chocolate Hunter