The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5385 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: YolMp Yorung Naganto Hunter
Creature: yBLBy yBLBy Hunter
Creature: XifUM Xifuma Naganto Hunter
Creature: 21AHG Wild Red Fins Hunter
Creature: zYXxT Werguilt Naganto Hunter
Creature: vry0X Vyroxa Nagano Hunter
Creature: pTHzd Verdigris Naganto Hunter
Creature: ms9jK Velvet Dream Hunter
Creature: Mi9CT Truly Royal Hunter
Creature: ncHLT Tarnished Gold Naganto Hunter
Creature: CIHG2 Spilled Red Wine Hunter
Creature: Nofma Sir Nofma Grey Naganto Hunter
Creature: QeVU7 Silverpath Hunter
Creature: nM3oy Silverblood Naganto Hunter
Creature: UZoym Silver Worm Naganto Hunter
Creature: R6Hur Rhura Naganto Hunter
Creature: 7OOaT Red Wine Naganto Hunter
Creature: jH3zk Protected Metall Hunter
Creature: 6NH70 Pompeji Naganto Hunter
Creature: Ss4Ni Old Sasan Hunter
Creature: SBJaa Naughty Nagano Hunter
Creature: MEw2u Mew Naganto Hunter
Creature: EVkli Lagerfeuer Hunter
Creature: 5wVNn Kupfersilber Hunter
Creature: 5XWhx Kupfergold Hunter
Creature: keixA Keixa Naganto Hunter
Creature: hOYpE Hope Naganto Hunter
Creature: fYcku Hoeflichkeit ist eine Zier
Creature: nqV4S Gruenspan Naganto Hunter
Creature: 66y89 Grey Worm Hunter
Creature: SgfoY Greenspan Wave Naganto Hunter
Creature: 1vtAx Gray Oilslick Hunter
Creature: 8ZkSe Golden Wine Naganto Hunter
Creature: tOM7M Golden Tom Hunter
Creature: bN2Qk Glowing Moos Hunter
Creature: htHWl Ginger Flapp Hunter
Creature: FdYLD Floyd Naganto Hunter
Creature: XwEYT Ewet Naganto Hunter
Creature: earvk Earvk Naganto Hunter
Creature: meTqZ Earth Eel Hunter
Creature: D4Xod Detox Copper Hunter
Creature: onabP Deep Merlot Hunter
Creature: 0NEuU Dark Lave Naganto Hunter
Creature: gcela Cela Naganto Hunter
Creature: bobGV Bob Naganto Hunter
Creature: 090EE Blood Wolf Naganto Hunter
Creature: alOgi Alogi Naganto Hunter