The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5390 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: rZWEv Zweva Ombra Hunter
Creature: YW9VO Yavker Ombra Hunter
Creature: xPMrp xPMR Vesperto Hunter
Creature: weqCS Wequec Vespero Hunter
Creature: DZNPF Velvetnight Ombra Hunter
Creature: JQzQD Transfusion Midnight Hunter
Creature: tts1v Tantsuk Vespero Hunter
Creature: sgVSe Segiv Ombra Hunter
Creature: icXFi Radiation Ombra Hunter
Creature: gKKvl Pink Ombra Hunter
Creature: VD1Kv Ombra mai fu Hunter
Creature: 4yhKS Ocean Deep Bat Hunter
Creature: i2NoI Noltnight Ombra Hunter
Creature: cs8CH Little Green Ombra Hunter
Creature: LEpAa Lepada A. Hunter
Creature: jLCGt Lacgot Ombra Hunter
Creature: ermm5 Kalopsia Ombra Hunter
Creature: JEIiD Jedi Ombra Hunter
Creature: is47p Isip Ombra Hunter
Creature: lrdBQ Iridescent Ombra Hunter
Creature: YFudB Green Wave Hunter
Creature: tCe7y Dotterblume Vesperto Hunter
Creature: MA0Yt Danelion Spots Hunter
Creature: chwLx Chawlax Ombra Hunter
Creature: cZybL Cazybl Vespero Hunter
Creature: Y3ybZ Cara Ed Amabile Hunter
Creature: bYzIL Byzil Ombra Hunter
Creature: bUGKI Bucky Barnes Hunter
Creature: a30ZI Angry Bat Hunter
Creature: S5xSv Algae Ombra Hunter