The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5108 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: Aafoh Aafoh Cimo Hunter
Creature: YakWS Akwas Cimo Hunter
Creature: pmAMV Amy Cimo Hunter
Creature: 6Mps7 Arctia caja Hunter
Creature: pryFp Asks Too Much Hunter
Creature: VPFId Autumn is coming Hunter
Creature: BUY1f Bargain Cimo Hunter
Creature: i1OCW Blood Harlekin Cimo Hunter
Creature: pblu3 Bluest Blue Hunter
Creature: 625kt Burning Green Hunter
Creature: CwhNB Burning Meadow Hunter
Creature: D1RUF Call Me Cimo Hunter
Creature: cOXDl Cox Cimo Hunter
Creature: RuuTe Dark Velvet Cimo Hunter
Creature: yrTm4 Dust on Leaves Cimo Hunter
Creature: rAyfR Eastern Ray Cimo Hunter
Creature: EfG2D Edgard Cimo Hunter
Creature: 1117Q ElevenSeventeen Cimo Hunter
Creature: 99gWT Emerald Softball Hunter
Creature: E28S8 Esso Cimo Hunter
Creature: EURnD Europa Cimo Hunter
Creature: teMGI Firelit Hunter
Creature: GTgBJ Gatub Cimo Hunter
Creature: 99CZo Gauting Cimo Hunter
Creature: C8bvV Harley Quinn Cimo Hunter
Creature: jiMGm Jim Cimo Hunter
Creature: kAIRI Kairi Cimo Hunter
Creature: KdoOJ Kodo Cimo Hunter
Creature: pBkNa Leafwing Cimo Hunter
Creature: hUM89 Life ist coming back Hunter
Creature: 5CUoH Lime Jungle Cimo Hunter
Creature: 8lBd7 Limettenflug Cimo Hunter
Creature: LZ49F Lizan Cimo Hunter
Creature: MNZWx Mintwiz Cimo Hunter
Creature: mbQgP Molite Cimo Hunter
Creature: Mnabd N'Abend Cimo Hunter
Creature: NRSXw Nipota Cimo Hunter
Creature: ONNeL O'Neill Cimo Hunter
Creature: jsOKR Paperwhite Cimo Hunter
Creature: aUY0u Papieryou Cimo Hunter
Creature: 1KI8G Papilio machaon Cimo Hunter
Creature: GZuW5 Private Eye Cimo Hunter
Creature: DYnoV Purple King Hunter
Creature: CJo6X Purple Prince Hunter
Creature: OhR0T Rot Chimo Hunter
Creature: laRUA Rua di Aqua Hunter
Creature: XnGst Silver Papilion Hunter
Creature: 97RY1 Sky Waves Cimo Hunter
Creature: ZDmsg Sonnenblut Cimo Hunter
Creature: sraoo Srao Cimo Hunter