The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5385 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: kll7y you'll understand why
Creature: Dmknh you'll make a dream last
Creature: OaR5W You see him
Creature: ZMwPO You only need the sun
Creature: rPjv8 You only need the sun
Creature: 2xEAa You only need the light
Creature: ZXR8e You only need the light
Creature: 9moeJ You only know you love him
Creature: qBXRw You only hate the road
Creature: 1e8Kw when you're missin' home
Creature: d1ml1 when you're feeling low
Creature: a8fOV when you let him go
Creature: wzOm1 when you let him go
Creature: mTiqb when it's burning low
Creature: xURd6 when it's burning low
Creature: cRnpo when it starts to snow
Creature: ncHpO when it starts to snow
Creature: HkKrs Staring at the ceiling
Creature: s4kGz Staring at the bottom
Creature: hQPPl Same old empty feeling
Creature: iomnQ Only know you've been high
Creature: eWI3L Only know you love him
Creature: BFLJt oh it dies
Creature: JXYSt of your glass
Creature: gy8ZW Never to touch,
Creature: 3T4Ha never to keep
Creature: PCX91 Maybe one day
Creature: m4kC1 Let him go
Creature: zft6R in your heart
Creature: TUyH4 in the dark
Creature: wV8KM Hoping one day
Creature: 6WFdz him go.
Creature: seY8Q Everything you touch
Creature: dlavI covered by Birdy
Creature: iL3IP by Passenger
Creature: sb9ba But you dived too deep
Creature: JEosx But dreams come slow
Creature: addLR as you fall asleep
Creature: wXe6R as you close your eyes
Creature: zugEd And you see him
Creature: e28Mv And you only need the light
Creature: 5E4Wn And you let him go
Creature: 8Gs3L And you let him go
Creature: 62g5F And you let
Creature: BkYhI and they go so fast
Creature: q22aD and it goes so fast
Creature: dYhhu 'Cause you loved him too much
Creature: IO3IG 'Cause love comes slow