The Final Outpost

Outpost Hunter's lab

Jalina 'Outpost' Hunter's lab is a bit disorganized and overrun by Sciuros - her main area of expertise. Feisty, her favourite Sicuro, follows her around and shamelessly begs everyone for fruits and nuts. She loves him deeply, but won't knit him jumpers. Jalina likes to welcome friends and fellow scientists in her lab. As a passionate baker she offers cakes to any visitor. Even if this is not striktly the best pratice for a lab. She serves as a vet for the Outpost.
  • Outpost Hunter has 5108 creatures
  • Joined on August 29th, 2020
Creature: qAuby Aqua Aub Hunter
Creature: RbYff Azure Flight Hunter
Creature: xgUB2 Black Peng Hunter
Creature: Y787J Blueback Hunter
Creature: GYodo Bluewing Hunter
Creature: rdW4M Blushing Emo Hunter
Creature: 35LXh Burned Wing Hunter
Creature: eezdv Diving Torquise Hunter
Creature: RzpMA Eisvogel Hunter
Creature: RZIJQ Emerald Diving Hunter
Creature: krLzj Emo Peng Hunter
Creature: erNRN Ernesto Dawn Hunter
Creature: TrmVN Flying on black wings Hunter
Creature: w6PLL Flying on pink wings Hunter
Creature: tIlqu Fuchsia Wing Hunter
Creature: fj5LA Gold Diver Hunter
Creature: DXUNp Golden Bay Hunter
Creature: ygEyq Golden Baylet Hunter
Creature: UgnAs Golden Dawn Hunter
Creature: Jw61P Golden Slide Hunter
Creature: fxnSy Got all the colours Hunter
Creature: 2kyvs Green Torpedo Hunter
Creature: 5HPPU Happu Pink Hunter
Creature: yCj77 Kingfisher Hunter
Creature: WJz6A Mango Frappuccino Hunter
Creature: i5ZOa Moosback Hunter
Creature: SHszW Moosgreen Hunter
Creature: DFAzp Mooswing Hunter
Creature: O0rlU Orlu Hunter
Creature: HUAnD Pigu the Third Hunter
Creature: XU0f7 Pine Flight Hunter
Creature: mN6ys Pink Dawn Hunter
Creature: TgZcY Pink Diver Hunter
Creature: 893Ms Pink Sky Hunter
Creature: lsWIQ Raffle Penguin Hunter
Creature: uE4Ro Rororu Peng Hunter
Creature: cAyIy Sky Laird Hunter
Creature: ssURj Surji Hunter
Creature: 4tx6M Amundsensee Hunter
Creature: ETCe7 Belgrano Hunter
Creature: 998Ax Bellingshausensee Hunter
Creature: E3XdQ Berkner Water Hunter
Creature: aR0ym Davissee Hunter
Creature: f3Uq9 Drake Passage Hunter
Creature: 4WjRK Dronning Maud Ice Hunter
Creature: 783ee Ellsworth Water Hunter
Creature: ZAEyM Filchner Ronne Schelfeis Hunter
Creature: N1utl Halley Hunter
Creature: KMi1a Joinville Ice Hunter
Creature: 3HwMb Marie Byrd Water Hunter