The Final Outpost

Notherox's lab

The inside of this lab is, quite frankly, boring. The room is nearly pitch black, except for the light coming from the hall which only really lights up a desk covered in papers and boxes. You can't see a light switch anywhere and Its eerily quiet. Turning around and closing the door behind yourself, you decide the files you wanted can wait until tomorrow.
  • Previous lab name: randomLurker
  • Notherox has 910 creatures
  • Joined on March 2nd, 2022
Creature: HfVpx G2, HfVpx
Creature: f2CyV G2 Sour apple
Creature: q0j4f G2-Sour Patch Watermelon
Creature: r1nm9 Sour Patch Watermelon
Creature: jXHwU Frooties
Creature: L410k Orange slices
Creature: XF3yo G2-Orange starburst
Creature: Bp5i0 urange
Creature: 4eRGN G2-Orange swirl loli
Creature: VlNzY Orange MnM
Creature: CxlrW Lemonhead
Creature: j5Pxa Orange
Creature: quIyg Purple buttermint
Creature: pcDJN Candy corn
Creature: gpTSh Corny Candy
Creature: 8qYra purple Laffy Taffy
Creature: B3011 G2 Purple nerds
Creature: Xha92 Strawberry jumbo push pop
Creature: c7FiX Pink crystal stick
Creature: KC0hO Kocho candy can
Creature: 3Txdk Adi
Creature: QhsxM QhsxM
Creature: Jr0QC Jr0QC
Creature: OPMfa Sweettart rope
Creature: po5Jc po5Jc
Creature: OAqDG Peach Gummi
Creature: B0mek B0mek
Creature: Keps7 Keps7
Creature: Z0exG Z0exG
Creature: v0ZkO v0ZkO
Creature: xMkx7 F1.xMkx7
Creature: jI0fR G2, Blue frootie
Creature: AZAIr G2.AZAIr
Creature: 0IaK9 G3, 0IaK9
Creature: hgyJl G3.hgyJl
Creature: g4BbZ g4BbZ-Solstice23-FieryBlood
Creature: URN5n M0--URN5n
Creature: u636q useless green ogre