The Final Outpost

Ninja_EleMental's lab

The lights turn on, shining brightly above your head. You smiled, you were home. Here you kept all of your creatures that you've hoarded over the months you've been here. You always found a home here in your lab.
  • Ninja_EleMental has 225 creatures
  • Joined on December 6th, 2020
Badge Beta Tester
Creature: swEMA tan
Creature: 4ftYx tbvg
Creature: qKblx the flower is gone
Creature: QTES4 Thomas Connor
Creature: Tmv0y timmy
Creature: rfgd3 Tox
Creature: KflUg tree
Creature: tXSJP twix
Creature: YrXcv typical
Creature: RvXSa Undyrus
Creature: hJFui valiant heart
Creature: XTz4r valiant hero
Creature: nlNdZ vines
Creature: pgMgD Worlds
Creature: c9wwA www
Creature: RFMq1 yellow
Creature: ZZSwQ ZZZ