The Final Outpost

MysteriousCookie's lab

You walk in front of a purple door. You open the door, and you don't see MysteriousCookie anywhere. You go inside, and look at the various habitats that their creatures reside in. Their lab mainly consists of Ebena Kurantos, but they also favor Muska Felos, Avka Felos, Arbara Kronos, and more. You walk around, hoping to find MysteriousCookie somewhere in this giant lab. You are in awe of how neatly everything is kept despite the amount of creatures in the lab. Just then, you see a Suna Hundo running up to you, licking your feet. "Welcome." MysteriousCookie says.
  • MysteriousCookie has 466 creatures
  • Joined on March 11th, 2023
Creature: 31Poq Keion
Creature: BoRo4 Kenta