The Final Outpost

Mockingbird13's lab

You open the battered door to be met with...chaos. Mockingbird claims to know where everything is, but you're skeptical. There are plants, books, diagrams, hand-crafted clay models, small stones, handmade plushies, and free-roaming Stranga Sciuro everywhere. There are several lounge chairs, but they are all occupied by books, papers, sketch-pads, or baskets of...plant clippings? Mockingbird suggests a snack and pulls a handful of nuts out from under a cushion. You politely decline, and hope to keep this visit short.
  • Mockingbird13 has 6188 creatures
  • Joined on June 27th, 2020
Creature: KrhUO KrhUO
Creature: TeSCv TeSCv
Creature: To5hl To5hl
Creature: UCShO UCShO
Creature: awT7W awT7W
Creature: ctQhO ctQhO
Creature: q2qmi q2qmi
Creature: atnZd Antleap
Creature: PM62X Ashflower
Creature: n3CXc Bloomtail
Creature: WCyHQ Carrotsplash
Creature: EcAIz Fernspots
Creature: uatYd Forestfin
Creature: 4TS52 Honeyfern
Creature: SuJIK Junglejump
Creature: 2XvbL Koisplash
Creature: ZImNE Lemonpeel
Creature: tupce Lemontiger
Creature: cuFFM Moonbelly
Creature: PcdPc Puddlejump
Creature: 15vN9 Seven
Creature: SQr1L Squirreltoss
Creature: GTsXH Stickyfeet
Creature: TDgnd Tigerbalm
Creature: ZynHy Wiredive
Creature: zUZpU Zippercall
Creature: AIggV AIggV
Creature: Qo60s Qo60s
Creature: WLI76 WLI76
Creature: lEEDE lEEDE
Creature: YQEGt Flametail
Creature: gDWqb Hookfang
Creature: a7SO9 Kelpstripe
Creature: L4EwL Lashleap
Creature: sYM8d Lemoncut
Creature: sCKIq Lemonstrike
Creature: 94Ish Loachtangle
Creature: ekoNh Mackerelswipe
Creature: 8M9Zt Mayfly
Creature: wzwkj Pondripple
Creature: qRysl Quailthrash
Creature: 1bjQC Rexleap
Creature: rrRcd Ripcord
Creature: rM59d Rumbleflame
Creature: 9hG5j Rustflight
Creature: PSYUl Turniptail
Creature: vjED4 Veggieslice
Creature: VdX2G VdX2G
Creature: VtQEa Amberheart
Creature: SlNij Brittleclaw