The Final Outpost

Mockingbird13's lab

You open the battered door to be met with...chaos. Mockingbird claims to know where everything is, but you're skeptical. There are plants, books, diagrams, hand-crafted clay models, small stones, handmade plushies, and free-roaming Stranga Sciuro everywhere. There are several lounge chairs, but they are all occupied by books, papers, sketch-pads, or baskets of...plant clippings? Mockingbird suggests a snack and pulls a handful of nuts out from under a cushion. You politely decline, and hope to keep this visit short.
  • Mockingbird13 has 5998 creatures
  • Joined on June 27th, 2020
Creature: B2OMP B2OMP
Creature: ZTcoz ZTcoz
Creature: AEgq1 Aqua
Creature: 9ayX4 Ayara
Creature: BED0C Beddy
Creature: zNlrO Brisk
Creature: cFhlO Chloe
Creature: CUtmx Cutter
Creature: DKQ8T Daiquiri
Creature: dSi9D Destiny
Creature: FmhbO High Dive
Creature: v3EAu Swifte
Creature: v6fcF Vicki
Creature: PMzZq PMzZq
Creature: Z8fe7 Z8fe7
Creature: tqFaS tqFaS
Creature: xo5nF xo5nF
Creature: ziCVI ziCVI
Creature: AD47T Adari
Creature: AVsLA Alvin
Creature: 2B0P8 Boris
Creature: DEOHI Deo
Creature: K5BhJ Khaba
Creature: 6OoB1 Tarback
Creature: vi27N Vision
Creature: 3ybH8 3ybH8
Creature: D0Ud1 D0Ud1
Creature: OzLjM OzLjM
Creature: BOJLJ Boiler
Creature: 4of7e Frostbite
Creature: H0Ych Horse Teeth
Creature: 1jRAh Jarah
Creature: M8LSC Malice
Creature: Z0Jfl Piston
Creature: sF6mR Sound Effects
Creature: S6Acy Stacy
Creature: ss5Wu Suspicious Motives
Creature: 6wPIb Work In Progress
Creature: Zm6DG Zamboni
Creature: BMX50 BMX50
Creature: IJ8bn IJ8bn
Creature: NvjnM NvjnM
Creature: SsuOv SsuOv
Creature: yPVuB yPVuB
Creature: agU7c Agua Del Mar
Creature: asB9E Bastion
Creature: lTSeK Blizzard
Creature: C7Zwj Clancy
Creature: 8Hk8l Hackles
Creature: HuIQR Hubris