The Final Outpost

Mockingbird13's lab

You open the battered door to be met with...chaos. Mockingbird claims to know where everything is, but you're skeptical. There are plants, books, diagrams, hand-crafted clay models, small stones, handmade plushies, and free-roaming Stranga Sciuro everywhere. There are several lounge chairs, but they are all occupied by books, papers, sketch-pads, or baskets of...plant clippings? Mockingbird suggests a snack and pulls a handful of nuts out from under a cushion. You politely decline, and hope to keep this visit short.
  • Mockingbird13 has 6159 creatures
  • Joined on June 27th, 2020
Creature: TCw9p Nadja
Creature: fHtL6 Narkissa
Creature: Pa1E2 Paige
Creature: RHwoe Rowan
Creature: 7Y0aP 7Y0aP
Creature: 7ng9v 7ng9v
Creature: 9x8xk 9x8xk
Creature: DULRo DULRo
Creature: GRAR2 GRAR2
Creature: OQjMS OQjMS
Creature: QyVZi QyVZi
Creature: SMk8R SMk8R
Creature: SOPyy SOPyy
Creature: WVW7F WVW7F
Creature: WyMac WyMac
Creature: dgDlt dgDlt
Creature: i3Om8 i3Om8
Creature: o48Um o48Um
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Creature: mKB8t Coffee
Creature: 5SnDF Dracule
Creature: 6pvoJ Drakon
Creature: 3eUI4 Drowning Lessons
Creature: fUf7z Funfair
Creature: 7UB5s Gunter
Creature: IlBU6 Gunter
Creature: JDMST Kieran
Creature: ce3Dk Living With Ghosts
Creature: Nevf6 Nevermore
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Creature: TXcZ9 Tex Mex
Creature: Z866o Zippo