The Final Outpost

Lynxez's lab

As your hand turns the knob of the lab door and you whisk in, you are greeted with cozy lighting. Pattering away at the keys of a computer is a young scientist with mid-length, dirty blonde, halfway blue hair. He spins to face you. "Oh, hello!" He pauses his labwork, standing up to shake hands. "Don't think I've seen you around before! My name is Lynxez--Lynx for short." He turns to the side, his hand motioning to the innumerable critters. "Feel free to gander around! I collect many specimens, but particularly love Sunas and Toksas." He sits down, resuming the monotonous work as you explore.
  • Lynxez has 998 creatures
  • Joined on May 4th, 2024
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