The Final Outpost

Lasercat's lab

As you approach the bright red door, you hear muffled mewls and meows. A note written in barely legible cursive reads "Careful, don't let the felos out!", so you make sure to do so when you go inside. You are immediately greeted by a Muska Felo rubbing against your leg, and you see a few other Felos running, napping, or playing around the lab which has been refurbished to accommodate them. Lasercat greets you from the far corner, lounging in a bean bag, a purring Avka kitten in her lap and a steaming mug of hot chocolate in her hand.
  • Lasercat has 4253 creatures
  • Joined on September 3rd, 2020
Creature: xplnL xplnL
Creature: 88HxQ Tundra
Creature: hQkdr Quartz
Creature: SwGR3 SwGR3
Creature: yxOdV Spring Sunrise
Creature: OJ7nb OJ Nubble
Creature: vhZ36 vhZ36
Creature: KMtzs Spring Roses
Creature: f9koq f9koq
Creature: 08DmK Mossy Rock
Creature: sC9R9 sC9R9
Creature: 46Wnj 46Wnj
Creature: Q3EXC Q3EXC
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Creature: rGeTj rGeTj
Creature: tZFn5 Mountain Stream
Creature: p8ruQ p8ruQ
Creature: o3p5l o3p5l
Creature: nrXpl Snow Violet
Creature: E45wZ Earwig
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Creature: s7rIX Sir Lexie
Creature: Ofp88 Ofp88
Creature: iFk8z iFk8z
Creature: 652uZ Sussy Baka
Creature: cq6GG cq6GG
Creature: 7mmpY 7mmpY
Creature: SCOtE SCOtE
Creature: o9Gtr Ogre
Creature: Hbd3x Korst
Creature: ZzFb1 Zazoo
Creature: S98HQ Lavender Moss
Creature: KgNeD Summer Sunrise
Creature: TKHrC TKHrC
Creature: H0XeB H0XeB
Creature: SYgqa SYgqa
Creature: yc9pF yc9pF
Creature: kF0r1 Lichen Lavender
Creature: 2ZwbE Prince Snugglepuss
Creature: GsvA5 Princess Fluffybutt
Creature: FxxUo FxxUo
Creature: Lligp Lligp
Creature: FK9Sd Lichen Citrus
Creature: mPNEa Pineapple
Creature: W3dkw W3dkw
Creature: yTgyM yTgyM
Creature: shlzJ shlzJ
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