The Final Outpost

Lasercat's lab

As you approach the bright red door, you hear muffled mewls and meows. A note written in barely legible cursive reads "Careful, don't let the felos out!", so you make sure to do so when you go inside. You are immediately greeted by a Muska Felo rubbing against your leg, and you see a few other Felos running, napping, or playing around the lab which has been refurbished to accommodate them. Lasercat greets you from the far corner, lounging in a bean bag, a purring Avka kitten in her lap and a steaming mug of hot chocolate in her hand.
  • Lasercat has 4253 creatures
  • Joined on September 3rd, 2020
Creature: LXdPn LXdPn
Creature: SZ2bN SZ2bN
Creature: YDjZ1 YDjZ1
Creature: wDQDv wDQDv
Creature: YzIcw Bloodborne
Creature: h7TcC Blueberry Pancake
Creature: EWLId Moldy Orange
Creature: f8WlO Tomato Sauce
Creature: hPumz Carbonara
Creature: Iu7KU Velvet
Creature: 6mnCx Brownie
Creature: fjH5V Granny
Creature: tUPXu Romana
Creature: apUWw apUWw
Creature: 9aMf1 Amfo
Creature: p4fH6 Gargon
Creature: 8g4DR Dandelion
Creature: vfgtu vfgtu
Creature: 8Y1nq 8Y1nq
Creature: JMiTN Mittens
Creature: rFP3w Rooibos
Creature: iV8Gd Napoletana
Creature: VWyRg Violet
Creature: inBO5 Boss
Creature: iSisQ Spaghetti
Creature: wAGX8 Wagu
Creature: Z4flt Lasagna
Creature: oZEt5 oZEt5
Creature: UbJPe Winter Storm
Creature: KyusT Silvermane
Creature: KgoNJ Kong
Creature: pdJIV Jiv
Creature: d8pex Wisteria
Creature: K55r1 Purple Clover
Creature: uH5L4 Sage
Creature: jGU92 Purble
Creature: SbYph Sybille
Creature: 9Ou4C Darkstripe
Creature: NbO3r Boar
Creature: u3M33 Umy
Creature: UXKBZ Bluebie
Creature: J55rQ Seraphim
Creature: DXOKy Rosy
Creature: 4swmS Strawberry Chocolate Cake
Creature: l9lQI l9lQI
Creature: iP1Ma Blueberry
Creature: tFOWa Calamarata
Creature: 9N3si Obsidian
Creature: SDDTM Grayskull