The Final Outpost

Kiwiana's lab

Every scientist has their own lab where they can raise and study creatures, and this space is Kiwiana's own private paradise. Take a moment to look around the room and get familiar with all the equipment found within this spacious, white-walled room. There are housing units against the far wall for the captured and bred creatures. The computer system is a state-of-the-art design, capable of handling all of the data gathered from scientific studies. An entire counter of various scientific instruments, from microscopes to centrifuges and more, guarantees the scientist can run any test they like on the genetic material they collect. The mission is to conduct experiments and breeding programs in the effort to evolve different species to their strongest possible forms.
  • Kiwiana has 5009 creatures
  • Joined on June 27th, 2020
Creature: 1znCO Izneqo BFriday
Creature: vys1J Gen2
Creature: tdIyY Babuh Dolphi
Creature: 3ciX5 Cha-Ki II
Creature: 54z1q Ves-Tav II
Creature: tv6nM Tavsonom BFC
Creature: cHaM9 Cham BFCapital
Creature: VESPX Vesper Lynd
Creature: Kki4x Kiki BFriday
Creature: W7fE6 Io-En II
Creature: hwexs Jagu II
Creature: ufYJX Jaguohva III
Creature: i0FKO Iofko BFCapital
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Creature: enskC Enskca BFriday
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Creature: X74TY James Bond
Creature: jJD5e Jjadee BFC
Creature: jxaZX Jaz
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Creature: DebXx Debbie Xx BFriday
Creature: TWiUQ Twiuq BFriday
Creature: On1m0 Onimo BFriday
Creature: gUuaA Guuaa
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Creature: nW7of Cha-Win II
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Creature: vRu6E Ohvajagu III
Creature: eAxO7 Jaguenio III
Creature: rLsN2 Sharknado
Creature: vHcMP Sharknada
Creature: wNR0s Blauhai
Creature: kUqWn Sharko II
Creature: X9zO3 Sharky Baby II
Creature: 1wTIq G2
Creature: cqcas Lil'Fishee
Creature: ENjrI First Dark Glimmer
Creature: lNmnF lNmnF
Creature: aAff1 Scarlet - VioRed IIa
Creature: An6Q9 First Reddish
Creature: NVtoe First Rose-Pinkish
Creature: v7S8T Greenies II
Creature: iNyIQ iNyIQ
Creature: q5CvL VioRed IIb
Creature: ipzym First Violettish
Creature: z5W59 z'2nd Azure Blue