The Final Outpost

Kaliqo's lab

As you enter the lab, you are met by the sight of notes and data scattered across the desks amongst the gently humming equipment and a small stack of empty food containers. Rows of colorful vials line the shelves at the back of the lab, and photos of various creatures adorn the walls. A Luna Hundo with a black and purple coat and silver feathers looks at you curiously from a plush dog bed in the corner. A note left on the nearest table reads: "Make yourself at home! -Kaliqo Quinn"
  • Kaliqo has 724 creatures
  • Joined on January 8th, 2023
Creature: 0yjAs G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: RcAXu G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: zgc7D G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: aut1P G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: kjoEV G1 Bred, 15g OBO
Creature: d0w3a G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: F11HX F11HX
Creature: VqC5J G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: 7aKgz G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: X4pEt G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: gNbpP G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: 3MBBT G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: GTDxw G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: Xd3Em G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: DM32M G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: Or5Qo G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: aCZxQ G2 Unbred, 15g OBO
Creature: rSRrz G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: EBxYZ G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: 0B3EY G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: 3UkfI G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: 0YlWC G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: FVEKf G2 Unbred, 15g OBO
Creature: A1JQx G2 Unbred, 15g OBO
Creature: uJK9J G2 Unbred, 15g OBO
Creature: n1uIi G2 Unbred, 15g OBO
Creature: dwdpE G2 Unbred, 15g OBO
Creature: jJnSx G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: x099A x099A
Creature: xgoRG G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: vf7vF G1 unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: xnLod G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: SPiVn G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: HTI21 G2 Unbred, 20g OBO
Creature: Bi3eh G2 Unbred, 20g OBO
Creature: EfjSG G2 Unbred, 20g OBO
Creature: nO22S G2 Unbred, 20g OBO
Creature: JkL0g G2 Unbred, 20g OBO
Creature: RyORE G2 Unbred, 20g OBO
Creature: jHHwS G2 Unbred, 20g OBO
Creature: 8wPjN G1 Unbred, 25g OBO
Creature: ZTs5x G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: sHb83 G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: ue6hG G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: U1TGX G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: CWcqF G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: ByYPn G1 Unbred, 30g OBO
Creature: r0anm r0anm
Creature: rDZ9o rDZ9o