The Final Outpost

Jason Myers's lab

As you open the door to the Myers' lab, the first thing that greets you is a portrait of Jason and his husband, smiling gently side by side, hung up on the wall. The two have made a cozy little lab lovenest, the sample cabinet neatly tidied and clearly labeled, two cooling mugs of tea sitting beside each other on a table littered with notes, beakers, typical lab equipment, and a computer that Jason's husband has modified to process information at speeds unheard of. In tall containers grow green plants, and a veritable army of draconic crocodilians can be heard thundering in the swamps outside.
  • Jason Myers has 677 creatures
  • Joined on November 14th, 2023
Badge Winter Solstice 2023
Badge Beta Tester
Creature: 9113Q Biggie Quake
Creature: QTL1A Qitilia
Creature: eX1e4 Exile of Earth
Creature: 7zEy8 Toozey
Creature: bUMxZ Bumxez
Creature: rsyNY Rysny
Creature: 6UWLw Buwluw
Creature: 8Cl00 Oocloo
Creature: RhHRm Reherim
Creature: 3CTvA Ectva
Creature: j61Zk Jibzek
Creature: DcZQm Doctor Zequim
Creature: gxFsT Ghast Shadow
Creature: SuNNG Sunny G
Creature: OwdUa Owdua
Creature: iiVSI Ivisi
Creature: IzAbg Izabug
Creature: aAxov Aaxov
Creature: lsqDb Iseqdab
Creature: PUVCl Puvci
Creature: JNg8J Jin
Creature: Xi6g5 Xibags
Creature: CZBte Cuzbete
Creature: hT2U8 Hatsu
Creature: my59r Myer
Creature: G2IWv Gasil
Creature: bUIZh Buiz