The Final Outpost

Inquisitoria's lab

The thick cloud forest is alive with sound as you wonder who in their right mind would prefer to set up their lab out here. It wasn't a long hike from the Outpost, yet you feel like you've entered another continent. An out-of-place looking bell hangs from a low branch, next to a ladder going up the gargantuan tree. Before you can ring it however, the fog that permeates the forest parts for a minute. In the distance, you can spot a tiny figure atop a rickety tower, awkwardly tending to a Nebula Glisanto. It makes sense now why you were sent on a desperate errand to deliver a large scrubber.
  • Previous lab name: Bubonica
  • Inquisitoria has 3141 creatures
  • Joined on June 11th, 2022
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