The Final Outpost

Halo--Cat's lab

Upon coming to the doors of this particular lab, you see a sign. It reads 'Please knock first , Halo.' Of course, you do, and are greeted by the owner, Halo. She asks you to make sure not to track anything inside, but are permitted entry. A long hall is ahead of you, with many doors and windows. Each called a sector with a number following it, and then the actual name. Through the windows you can see creatures Halo's raised in specified enviornments or their species, from an interior lake, to foliage filled aviaries. "Feel free to look around" Halo says to you, and gets back to writing.
  • Halo--Cat has 3046 creatures
  • Joined on June 17th, 2020
Creature: RaxlO SunBlaze
Creature: aYvow CoralReef
Creature: Qj6gY Zebze
Creature: 18A6t Nagaz
Creature: yiTJV NeonVenom
Creature: Aj6bR Acid Spitter
Creature: zVObD Flame
Creature: p5NwA MossStripe
Creature: UpHRa Fahriz
Creature: txeeq Amerald Rose
Creature: pkWen Masked
Creature: X4gD2 Laser
Creature: xubgA Snoot
Creature: qEJ7a Seaweed
Creature: FI7Yl Clyone
Creature: 5sibz Desert
Creature: DM1ls Stial
Creature: 3VY3K Natural
Creature: 8ap7P Sandi
Creature: lkav5 Deserts-Rage
Creature: tC9ZC Yenother
Creature: IrvEz Irvez
Creature: w3W3A SoftGlow
Creature: MuvWX Crystal Amethyst
Creature: GWX8E Saeole
Creature: nF5iJ Nooogi
Creature: fFvnQ SilverPass
Creature: WvYbB Aggai
Creature: 8roW2 FoxWit
Creature: hIFVf PeachCherry
Creature: WwVqq Bruah
Creature: oFQgN Asfgorn
Creature: CJcJL Calise
Creature: buAnB Gulch
Creature: EjGcK Ejisss
Creature: y1mbD Spy
Creature: qgOzK Forests
Creature: nfzjA UnderWater
Creature: 5JY2L Biscut
Creature: ZsWco Anicondri
Creature: rFntI Pythor
Creature: fIv27 Coastali
Creature: KFFVz Edpi
Creature: tJnKI Valentine
Creature: I944Y Dazira
Creature: EenYj StoneMover
Creature: 8I1l2 Clearsight
Creature: 1iYr6 FairieTale
Creature: HwcFJ Temple
Creature: 6MWT3 Sweetz