The Final Outpost

Halo--Cat's lab

Upon coming to the doors of this particular lab, you see a sign. It reads 'Please knock first , Halo.' Of course, you do, and are greeted by the owner, Halo. She asks you to make sure not to track anything inside, but are permitted entry. A long hall is ahead of you, with many doors and windows. Each called a sector with a number following it, and then the actual name. Through the windows you can see creatures Halo's raised in specified enviornments or their species, from an interior lake, to foliage filled aviaries. "Feel free to look around" Halo says to you, and gets back to writing.
  • Halo--Cat has 3046 creatures
  • Joined on June 17th, 2020
Creature: oZSYI Augiy
Creature: szpy4 Topaz
Creature: eHP6G GemTail
Creature: zTRIE Zytrie
Creature: IYLfO Flower
Creature: HbYae Jadespring
Creature: b7Ufn RedSpark
Creature: xnkHv Revok
Creature: ZYyR4 Twilight
Creature: 99kVt Crystal-Grace
Creature: 3cv11 SapphireHope
Creature: fPf4n DappleSpirit
Creature: 9PEcI Greay
Creature: KbpDG Dust
Creature: 5lUVM Biomechi
Creature: UxSDv Christmas
Creature: 8J9f7 Cavernz
Creature: TcKXu Red-In-The-Dark
Creature: rVWk2 Biohazard
Creature: 2rDRW Scorpia
Creature: mr9VQ Taiyl
Creature: ohaxd Oxhard
Creature: INwfz Brightflight
Creature: 5ZyqO Lightstreak
Creature: KCij8 CavernMoss
Creature: pSga3 Echolocation
Creature: Sr11H MorningPallete
Creature: nWEhH Blue Bill
Creature: rUy72 Rooster
Creature: pjCGZ StuntFlight
Creature: Itdud MorningStrike
Creature: PXUjN VioletShine
Creature: kVVG3 Chrome
Creature: vItv9 Twilight Glimmer
Creature: 1o1kx AllNeon
Creature: Wyggv Rosewing
Creature: ojLvy Oasis Skywing
Creature: TFP7x Valley Range
Creature: JbQDU PaleBird
Creature: VqZJl Vigul
Creature: whPxL whPxL
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Creature: 5UWI3 5UWI3
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