The Final Outpost

Estiolia's lab

When entering Estiolia's lab, one can get overwhelmed with photographies along the walls of long lost species that once inhabited this world. Even if one hasn't met her in person, Estiolia's fascination with nature and its inhabitants is clear. She loves to observe and analyze behavior patterns but apart from that, also loves to spend time on genetics. She harbors a special obsession with creatures that resemble canine features, both appearance-wise and behaviorally.
  • Estiolia has 1312 creatures
  • Joined on March 20th, 2024
Creature: d2kFS Odin
Creature: A4ySN Frigg
Creature: GHGOi Sif
Creature: sM79C Thor
Creature: IHU5c Ullr
Creature: dwyaz Fenrir
Creature: C5ell Magni
Creature: 09j24 Modi
Creature: saE9m Tyr
Creature: tUmNq Freya