The Final Outpost

Estiolia's lab

When entering Estiolia's lab, one can get overwhelmed with photographies along the walls of long lost species that once inhabited this world. Even if one hasn't met her in person, Estiolia's fascination with nature and its inhabitants is clear. She loves to observe and analyze behavior patterns but apart from that, also loves to spend time on genetics. She harbors a special obsession with creatures that resemble canine features, both appearance-wise and behaviorally.
  • Estiolia has 1312 creatures
  • Joined on March 20th, 2024
Creature: 2FaiV Tofai
Creature: HosXh Roxanne
Creature: GtXXC Gattix
Creature: KM9Wx Kamina
Creature: hOhsb Snowflake
Creature: fzduD Wichtel 8
Creature: 5UGp3 Wichtel 10
Creature: L5fzN Wichtel 11
Creature: T1z4M T1z4M
Creature: 9EueV Nuevee
Creature: NBAEt Bae
Creature: pEUMF Un Peu
Creature: sZBMs Pigeonee
Creature: oDyBA Rotkehlchen
Creature: UtujC Utujc
Creature: euM20 Eumel
Creature: AqpAB Wichtel 20
Creature: 9RkVf Grikal
Creature: AMGJK Amagaji
Creature: o1hgu Oihugo
Creature: 0ykpg Okku
Creature: WAK2A Wakza
Creature: R2LxZ Ruru
Creature: Gx9KW Geysi
Creature: WiL3d WiL3d
Creature: KOnCN KOnCN
Creature: Z8Eht Z8Eht
Creature: SS2eB SS2eB
Creature: 4ey9n 4ey9n
Creature: 93VJI 93VJI
Creature: 1n6wW 1n6wW
Creature: qoYab qoYab
Creature: dh35t Rika
Creature: QLSsO Qulasso
Creature: P6mMs Rikasso
Creature: mOP4K Mopaka
Creature: V4KHM Vakhanda
Creature: uFf7Z Golden Boy
Creature: aCChf aCChf
Creature: k630D k630D
Creature: JqNXh JqNXh
Creature: Je1ML Jemila
Creature: nBz4K Shadowwing
Creature: fuZkK Fuzekk
Creature: zQZ33 Zaqee
Creature: Ia5BT Iasbat
Creature: tOOBJ TobiJane
Creature: 54Q6W Fuzbat
Creature: hB7x7 Tobibat
Creature: ulDyZ Tozekk