The Final Outpost

Estiolia's lab

When entering Estiolia's lab, one can get overwhelmed with photographies along the walls of long lost species that once inhabited this world. Even if one hasn't met her in person, Estiolia's fascination with nature and its inhabitants is clear. She loves to observe and analyze behavior patterns but apart from that, also loves to spend time on genetics. She harbors a special obsession with creatures that resemble canine features, both appearance-wise and behaviorally.
  • Estiolia has 1312 creatures
  • Joined on March 20th, 2024
Creature: hvri1 Mystique
Creature: PHktB Sebastian
Creature: tLaGv Tiara
Creature: 2V7Th Cedar
Creature: O1ZoQ Snowcoal
Creature: dScMY Discover
Creature: RyNvv Bark
Creature: IhOWl Ilowl
Creature: A6PqW Pine
Creature: 0ZTrB Tasha
Creature: bNE7Q Spruce Sprinkle
Creature: tPlww Terpentin
Creature: AO9EB Ash
Creature: F5YKx Krusti
Creature: xYsjH Black Poplar
Creature: VoTf8 Grassy
Creature: OV1cB Black Oak
Creature: 4HjZc Pearl
Creature: FrhUD Emo Punkstar
Creature: YN3Za Pine Cone
Creature: yJGOq Mystery
Creature: eFwrT Tropic Girl
Creature: s4vN8 Cookie Dough
Creature: Fluuz Fluuzi
Creature: GUPeP Shiney Man
Creature: h46cW Whiteknight
Creature: QsapD Oreos
Creature: sTQWg Summer
Creature: u6jrJ Corny
Creature: HT5iQ Barebells
Creature: MR1xc Mossy Bark
Creature: dsEdu Brownie
Creature: dBMhR Fancy Lizzard Doggo
Creature: YIbS0 Sandshrew
Creature: IxhAM Tresor
Creature: YT0Oq Cinimini
Creature: YGEj9 Summer Shines
Creature: qmeH1 Redbirch
Creature: y4JgQ Firs
Creature: gHlft Almond
Creature: fN6M5 Blood Birch
Creature: higet Sequoia
Creature: 7AvI1 Mossy palm
Creature: cqjcY Padauk
Creature: Z4dic Acorn
Creature: pkbF9 Blackoats
Creature: jAUou Strawberry Oreos
Creature: f0eFD She Go
Creature: JeIYz Cinniminni
Creature: tRqme Hazel