The Final Outpost

Estiolia's lab

When entering Estiolia's lab, one can get overwhelmed with photographies along the walls of long lost species that once inhabited this world. Even if one hasn't met her in person, Estiolia's fascination with nature and its inhabitants is clear. She loves to observe and analyze behavior patterns but apart from that, also loves to spend time on genetics. She harbors a special obsession with creatures that resemble canine features, both appearance-wise and behaviorally.
  • Estiolia has 1312 creatures
  • Joined on March 20th, 2024
Creature: jLr2w J Lawrence
Creature: 2sg3X Sgexo
Creature: UwMHT UwU
Creature: Alblw Albi
Creature: h1ltP Hilti
Creature: IQw9j Qunine
Creature: daqfC Trout
Creature: 9DRUZ Salmona
Creature: TEH7s Theo
Creature: gCSEv Sev
Creature: fNHKe Funkhee
Creature: G33mE Geemeo
Creature: Ra88F Raffaela
Creature: cVFMn Vifamia
Creature: tIoRs Lora
Creature: AeLN7 Lanea
Creature: JLzRG Purple Rain
Creature: yvkxz Blue Koi Angel
Creature: YjRq7 Pink Butterfly
Creature: Vprm9 BlackPink
Creature: C7Pw6 Pacific
Creature: BcliC Piranha
Creature: 1PxHt Red Koi
Creature: CZLTU Bleen
Creature: ZEIip Zeelip
Creature: 8Ny4O Einyforo
Creature: hWMEa Hawmeea
Creature: uzFtu Moth
Creature: lvh0J Silver Angel
Creature: DSbOn Butterfly
Creature: Wtk2Z Tenerife
Creature: 8aUKs Faux
Creature: CY9qm Emerald
Creature: HkhUp Hickup
Creature: iQgWX Coconut
Creature: 4GUCj Black Prism
Creature: Ljieg Black Rings
Creature: nwGnc Ringi
Creature: Uryli Urillie
Creature: A64po Apollo
Creature: PxniD Pixiedonna
Creature: QyKIV Verdonno
Creature: UpQh7 UpQh7
Creature: 39Tx3 39Tx3
Creature: fum5x Wichtel 12
Creature: jG1lO Wichtel 29
Creature: 1Tqto 1Tqto
Creature: oHkfi oHkfi
Creature: 1Xj93 1Xj93
Creature: KvUtL KvUtL