The Final Outpost

Disme's lab

When you enter the selectively-lit and humid lab, your primal senses are piqued with a certain sharpness and unease. The lab is overgrown with the botanical inhabitants of the housing chambers and you can hear the uncanny vocalizations of Senfina Krizo and Girafos muttering from the darkened corners. You jump as a pair of reflective eyes flash toward you erratically, and your body prepares to flee before you stop yourself - it is only Disme. The eyes linger on you with feral curiosity before blinking back into the depths where the biologically-enhanced scientist continues their work.
  • Disme has 1961 creatures
  • Joined on January 22nd, 2024
Creature: StL6s Flung Frisbee G1
Creature: A8EpB Fine Powder G1
Creature: F8AD7 Fragile Truce G1
Creature: Svjm1 Orange Pulp G4-6
Creature: zgqrT Proud Slope G2-5
Creature: rL64G Ruddy Nose G2-5
Creature: zto3V Discarded Letter G2-3
Creature: NkrDM Bardic Tale G2
Creature: E1b1p Burgeoning Sprout G2
Creature: CnnK1 Subtle Stitch G2-3
Creature: QuHSS Blood's Lament G1
Creature: ScQO0 Gossamer Cobweb G1
Creature: XwwvH Fumbling Fingers G1
Creature: FvAJ9 No Thanks G1
Creature: jcKeU Apparition's Laughter G2-4
Creature: AfzXI Tailored Trick G2
Creature: 0M1H4 Tempered Mithril G2-3
Creature: BhZbC High Reputation G1
Creature: wmYSr Hideous Truth G2
Creature: VSGUa Disturbed Artisan G1
Creature: NSWE5 Nostalgia Revival G2
Creature: xa5M0 Accidental Wealth G2-3
Creature: uEHjc Smooth Tongue G2
Creature: a9U11 Defiant Lock G1
Creature: mBDcE Sterile Suit G2-3
Creature: V7rrH Pellet Pile G2-4
Creature: qskhT Astro Turf G3-4
Creature: Ckhiw Brisk Gale G2-4
Creature: zdWjD Holly Bud G2-4
Creature: p60Ib Wishful Thinking G2
Creature: H82f7 Porous Stone G2-7
Creature: RyMoS Antique Pince-nez G2-7
Creature: tGuZ0 Herbal Tea G2
Creature: LtZcv Honorable Insult G2
Creature: hhoiy hhoiy
Creature: h44b2 Generous Reward G1
Creature: QKCFy Crumbling Order G1
Creature: xeT7n Delicate Foothold G2-5
Creature: YH2qU Uneven Wishbone G2-5
Creature: uV53A Futility G2-7
Creature: FjNdE Prosperity G2-7
Creature: cxEiJ Slanted Floor G1
Creature: MQgWJ Kleptomania G1
Creature: Zp0ig Running Gale G2
Creature: VsxCQ Refreshing Gourd G2
Creature: IzOPZ Citrus Surprise G1
Creature: W678R Downy Wings G1
Creature: eyXfm Dormant Malice G1
Creature: HzzDM Invalid Input G1