The Final Outpost

Disme's lab

When you enter the selectively-lit and humid lab, your primal senses are piqued with a certain sharpness and unease. The lab is overgrown with the botanical inhabitants of the housing chambers and you can hear the uncanny vocalizations of Senfina Krizo and Girafos muttering from the darkened corners. You jump as a pair of reflective eyes flash toward you erratically, and your body prepares to flee before you stop yourself - it is only Disme. The eyes linger on you with feral curiosity before blinking back into the depths where the biologically-enhanced scientist continues their work.
  • Disme has 1961 creatures
  • Joined on January 22nd, 2024
Creature: 922Fm Limestone Pike G2
Creature: TtPFw Painted Mesa G1
Creature: U32tq Fretful Freesia G1
Creature: 3UAdO Santa Omina
Creature: fD4Y3 Ram's Head G1
Creature: 8235c Score's Tally G1
Creature: XA16Y Effulgent Horizon G1
Creature: 2NFc9 Splintered Hull G1
Creature: cy0tn Splinter Teeth G1
Creature: aiAUR Tarragon Husk G1
Creature: 6eW3y Fallow Hills G1
Creature: gg5lC Oblong Egg G1
Creature: WMaHP Femur Nodule G1
Creature: Ly0ZK Pastoral Glen G1
Creature: jrKpF Cranberry Bog G1
Creature: xFOLK xFOLK
Creature: 6ucmg Clinging Roots G1
Creature: bfy74 Worthless Fame G1
Creature: Ax1Al Robust Axle G1
Creature: EAvX4 Spiced Rum
Creature: R9QCE Bleachroot Emperor G1
Creature: tApaX tApaX
Creature: Eb1SG Beckoning Call G1
Creature: 9Z5ku Hairless Bear G1
Creature: 5mc5e Foraging Cap G1
Creature: ujann Numberless Doors G2-3
Creature: TGimP TGimP
Creature: EQ0UD Pale Oleander G1
Creature: cnd9P Fen Beast
Creature: zGf4L Park Ranger G1
Creature: nPI7w Hewn Trident G1
Creature: IENj7 Florida Man