The Final Outpost

Disme's lab

When you enter the selectively-lit and humid lab, your primal senses are piqued with a certain sharpness and unease. The lab is overgrown with the botanical inhabitants of the housing chambers and you can hear the uncanny vocalizations of Senfina Krizo and Girafos muttering from the darkened corners. You jump as a pair of reflective eyes flash toward you erratically, and your body prepares to flee before you stop yourself - it is only Disme. The eyes linger on you with feral curiosity before blinking back into the depths where the biologically-enhanced scientist continues their work.
  • Disme has 1961 creatures
  • Joined on January 22nd, 2024
Creature: wSzXT Hare-Seeker G1
Creature: VOlc4 Howling Seas
Creature: AvKkt Wailing Dunes
Creature: 65dD4 Burning Sun
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Creature: m7l93 Cyrilla Chain G1
Creature: cTQye Sleek Feather G1
Creature: sNgDI Muntingia Star G1
Creature: c8MLg Tame Penalty G1
Creature: iIUKZ Wry River G1
Creature: DeRaD Brittle Bone G1
Creature: sWuwW sWuwW
Creature: yvxPg Looming Sickle G1
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Creature: neo92 neo92
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