The Final Outpost

Disme's lab

When you enter the selectively-lit and humid lab, your primal senses are piqued with a certain sharpness and unease. The lab is overgrown with the botanical inhabitants of the housing chambers and you can hear the uncanny vocalizations of Senfina Krizo and Girafos muttering from the darkened corners. You jump as a pair of reflective eyes flash toward you erratically, and your body prepares to flee before you stop yourself - it is only Disme. The eyes linger on you with feral curiosity before blinking back into the depths where the biologically-enhanced scientist continues their work.
  • Disme has 1961 creatures
  • Joined on January 22nd, 2024
Creature: 3mUP0 Murkwater Torrent G1
Creature: D0PzP Chiral Bones G1
Creature: 0deB0 Deep Space G1
Creature: R3aLI Pristine Prism G2-3
Creature: DorEf Shattered Shale G2
Creature: nGWTP Underworld Ferry G1
Creature: YxIHa Mulberry Squid G1
Creature: idyID Noxium Argent G1
Creature: KexWr Peppered Scallops G1
Creature: VWhJ7 Tranquil Shallows
Creature: Jmuw6 Snake Oil
Creature: xffAt Weaver's Chaff
Creature: CS4ja Steep Road G1
Creature: h6Z8B Sweet Dahlia
Creature: QPZdS Scurvy
Creature: 45pde Bilge
Creature: sOaK3 sOaK3
Creature: k8H97 Singular Voyage G1
Creature: sk1jM Clandestine Cove G1
Creature: W8DNx Monterey
Creature: jzWpT Cunning Capture G1
Creature: Mxs8Q Spangled Spruce G1
Creature: 2Fqwt Obsidian Tear G1
Creature: QvqXP Lapis Comb G2
Creature: JebQD Merchant's Till G1
Creature: N7Dwa Mingling Crowd G1
Creature: 7GpI6 Gachapon Prize G1
Creature: Qema6 Noir
Creature: fRoLM Handsome Spirit G1
Creature: iA6LG Delicate Automaton G1
Creature: LMEqo Flash Forward G1
Creature: NmkUE Cinnamon Sprinkle G1
Creature: fMOIi Plastic Coin G1
Creature: DBT8Q Rich Marrow G1
Creature: ewo99 Doubloon
Creature: c8GlS Stunted Palm G1
Creature: 47Fzy Chimney Sweep G2
Creature: 7mfYD Grey Shack G1
Creature: oD7v9 Odd Trinket G1
Creature: IiXe2 Knotty Situation G1
Creature: 4oHB7 Windswept Larch G1
Creature: LMkUc Rambling Heath G1
Creature: 7B0IJ Dizzy Elm G1
Creature: SVh2F Old Man's Beard G1
Creature: GRMPy GRMPy
Creature: 5nxzh Pocket-square
Creature: jZ7Se Grandstander
Creature: WoMev Polly
Creature: SROsm Milkweed
Creature: YDq7j Gravy Biscuit