The Final Outpost

Crimpett's lab

Every scientist has their own lab where they can raise and study creatures, and this space is Crimpett's own private paradise. Take a moment to look around the room and get familiar with all the equipment found within this spacious, white-walled room. There are housing units against the far wall for the captured and bred creatures. The computer system is a state-of-the-art design, capable of handling all of the data gathered from scientific studies. An entire counter of various scientific instruments, from microscopes to centrifuges and more, guarantees the scientist can run any test they like on the genetic material they collect. The mission is to conduct experiments and breeding programs in the effort to evolve different species to their strongest possible forms.
  • Previous lab name: Cloaked-randy
  • Crimpett has 2897 creatures
  • Joined on May 15th, 2020
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