The Final Outpost

Ciar's lab

As you look upon the large industrial metal door you notice two name-tags reading Ciar and M. The door opens into a relatively messy yet organized room- the white walls covered by a few posters and the lovely hand-crafted cabinets appear to be full of equipment, there are three notable built in rooms each with their own separate labels- Ciar's room, M's room and Research room. As you look around to figure out what room to investigate first you remember a message M sent you a while back that read "feel free to look around the lab whenever, just wear the proper equipment when visiting Ciar."
  • Ciar has 1294 creatures
  • Joined on September 8th, 2024
Creature: mIR0y My Roy - mIR0Y
Creature: rMup3 Are Mup - rMup3
Creature: E7myo ey myo - E7myo
Creature: 3hbEn 3hbEn
Creature: t1REO t1REO
Creature: l33IM - Why (word)? -
Creature: ykit1 Why kit - ykit1
Creature: YRatC Why Rat? - YRatC
Creature: ubu7q - implied meanings -
Creature: bMuTE Be mute - bMuTE
Creature: h3aTe He ate - h3aTe
Creature: Fc0Ns Cons - Fc0Ns
Creature: 0OfIg Ooo fig - 0OfIg
Creature: GaWsa - Measurements -
Creature: Xlfan Extra large fan - Xlfan
Creature: IN2Oz In 2 ounces - IN2Oz
Creature: 64qts 64 quarts - 64qts
Creature: cXK6M - (word) number -
Creature: wAy57 wAy57
Creature: BRO49 BRO49
Creature: dOg45 dOg45
Creature: EuX89 - Number -
Creature: 6674O 6674O
Creature: 58I29 58I29
Creature: 7727B 7727B
Creature: 678ps 678ps
Creature: 600dB 600dB
Creature: GM555 GM555
Creature: um5x1 um5x1
Creature: 8OX64 8OX64
Creature: 1FWbC - number (word) -
Creature: 6paLs 6 pals - 6paLs
Creature: 16Eek 16Eek
Creature: 265UP 265 up - 265UP
Creature: 2jObu two jobs - 2jObu
Creature: 4FANS 4 fans - 4FANS
Creature: 042do 042 do - 042do
Creature: 4netL 4netL
Creature: 7VodS 7VodS
Creature: 7HHAx 7 Hacks - 7HHAx
Creature: 2NcD8 - Fae, Fay, Fey -
Creature: wRfAe What are fae - wRfAe
Creature: FaYEB FaYEB
Creature: ufeYt ufeYt
Creature: feySU Fey - feySU
Creature: SoFey SoFey
Creature: WGFEy WGFEy
Creature: jfaYb jfaYb
Creature: D71Iq Selling
Creature: isUXw isUXw