The Final Outpost

Ciar's lab

As you look upon the large industrial metal door you notice two name-tags reading Ciar and M. The door opens into a relatively messy yet organized room- the white walls covered by a few posters and the lovely hand-crafted cabinets appear to be full of equipment, there are three notable built in rooms each with their own separate labels- Ciar's room, M's room and Research room. As you look around to figure out what room to investigate first you remember a message M sent you a while back that read "feel free to look around the lab whenever, just wear the proper equipment when visiting Ciar."
  • Ciar has 1293 creatures
  • Joined on September 8th, 2024
Creature: Cuot9 - God -
Creature: EcTAG EcTAG
Creature: uFInI uFInI
Creature: sDshy sDshy
Creature: skYf0 skYf0
Creature: AcTLe AcTLe
Creature: xlZAP xlZAP
Creature: WuOUt WuOUt
Creature: 7MamA 7MamA
Creature: K8ZAP K8ZAP
Creature: pVEXw pVEXw
Creature: Red69 Red69
Creature: vTIP8 vTIP8
Creature: a00O0 a00O0
Creature: J6MAY J6MAY
Creature: EEhOG EEhOG
Creature: tABhc tABhc
Creature: pFOgK pFOgK
Creature: Tax3H Tax3H
Creature: V0wq5 V0wq5
Creature: UUHaa UUHaa
Creature: RpOtU RpOtU
Creature: gumCn gumCn
Creature: 1eTAg 1eTAg
Creature: tabiY tabiY
Creature: EKbOG EKbOG
Creature: 2s0b5 2s0b5
Creature: HCxCx HCxCx
Creature: GtBrO GtBrO
Creature: idoL9 idoL9
Creature: Vexqr Vexqr
Creature: g0DHL g0DHL
Creature: F7G0d F7G0d
Creature: owG0D OW GOD - owG0D
Creature: nGodZ No Gods - nGodZ
Creature: P1GOd P1GOd
Creature: GoDI5 GoDI5
Creature: nfvuC - lab -
Creature: lAbUs lAbUs
Creature: lAbQL lAbQL
Creature: r8dUZ - Vow -
Creature: 5V0W7 Five Vows - 5V0W7
Creature: VOW2n Vow to night - VOW2n
Creature: vV0w4 vV0w4
Creature: NVowA New vows - NVowA
Creature: vOwlY vOwlY
Creature: 1QFuG - Rot -
Creature: R0t2B R0t2B
Creature: ROtxS ROtxS