The Final Outpost

BlueLatios's lab

Behind the odd wooden door situated in the far corner of the outpost lies what seemed to be a repurposed storage room. You notice a young man in black coat sitting in front of the lab computer, using an unofficial creature management program "LATI". Without turning his head, he explains to you that he's researching rare genes, and takes care of a lot of creatures for that goal. His funds go to the maintenance of the subsections of the room, each nesting a group of creatures with the suitable environment and props. The Saltanta subsection is the largest, going there alone is discouraged.
  • BlueLatios has 4772 creatures
  • Joined on March 5th, 2020
Creature: 8DgKX Cabochon
Creature: nxjW8 Cave Guardian
Creature: QSeJ5 Celestial Incarnate
Creature: lPQhy Chervena
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Creature: JRm0s Crimson
Creature: M2hav D'arkness
Creature: g8SGs Dark Flash
Creature: 6Dajb Dark Fury
Creature: OguJH Deep Current
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Creature: p2xJX Edgy
Creature: LkTcY Eluticio
Creature: qoPxQ Emperor Amethystus
Creature: fDMAe Endymion
Creature: dCs5s Evening
Creature: Hjuxs Exotic
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Creature: euf4t Ghost Butterfly
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Creature: XsVWZ Golden Mane
Creature: UYfLH Hades
Creature: LPiW8 Hypnosis
Creature: FwDOg Indigo
Creature: qeINH Jason
Creature: 37YQb Jaws
Creature: NjBHg Jirei
Creature: PBzUR King Sapphirine
Creature: LFST6 Lifstom
Creature: 9FeUE Marquess Magnetite
Creature: cbfj5 Mazurek
Creature: 1FHgy Murky Dweller
Creature: dXeqD Mystery
Creature: 73MnZ Nightcrawler
Creature: fsTYK Nightmare
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Creature: PVVrs Pacific
Creature: L7WGE Pearly Dust
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Creature: mvaeU Proud
Creature: jhLSu Red Zircon
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Creature: 3hUSj Rum Raisin
Creature: PYuEG Saintan
Creature: yJ4MQ Sandshot
Creature: gyoSI Santana
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